
Atascadero personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $50,765

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $20500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Atascadero, CA, nestled in San Luis Obispo County, is a picturesque city known for its Mediterranean climate and scenic views. Established in 1913 by E.G. Lewis, it has a rich history and is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering activities like hiking and biking in its many parks and nature reserves. Home to the historic Atascadero City Hall and the Charles Paddock Zoo, the city also boasts a vibrant community with various cultural events and a flourishing local economy. With a strong commitment to preserving its natural beauty and fostering community spirit, Atascadero is a small-town gem of the California Central Coast.

incentives available in Atascadero for...
energy icon


Atascadero, California, has made considerable strides toward improving energy efficiency through the adoption of solar power incentives for residential and commercial properties. These incentives include tax credits and rebates, which have encouraged a significant uptick in solar panel installations across the city. The local government has also invested in upgrading public facilities with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems. In addition to this, there's an active push for energy audits and retrofits in older buildings to reduce energy consumption. The community is served by the Clean Energy Choice program for new buildings, offering cleaner energy options. The city supports the adoption of electric vehicles by increasing the availability of public charging stations, with a notable concentration at popular shopping and community centers. Atascadero's commitment to renewable energy and efficiency is also reflected in its support for community choice aggregation, allowing residents to opt for greener power sources.

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Water conservation is a top priority for Atascadero, especially in light of California's recurring droughts. The city has adopted a Water Shortage Contingency Plan, which outlines strategies for water conservation during shortage conditions. Water-saving incentives for residents include rebates for low-flow toilets, showerheads, and drought-resistant landscaping. The city's utilities department actively promotes the use of smart irrigation technologies and rainwater harvesting systems. Leak detection and repair programs help conserve water within municipal systems. Furthermore, Atascadero invests in reclaimed water projects to provide non-potable water for irrigation of public parks, golf courses, and school grounds. Residents have access to water conservation workshops and resources to foster a culture of water efficiency. The city monitors water usage diligently and enforces water waste prohibitions to ensure sustainable water management.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Atascadero has seen a boost with initiatives aimed at improving transit systems and reducing vehicle emissions. The city provides a regional transit authority that operates bus routes connecting Atascadero to neighboring communities, facilitating carpooling and reducing individual car use. Bicycle-friendly infrastructure improvements, including the addition of bike lanes and bike-share programs, encourage non-motorized transportation. The city is involved in regional planning efforts to enhance connectivity and reduce congestion on highways, improving overall traffic flow and fuel efficiency. Atascadero's commitment to transportation efficiency extends to support for telecommuting and flexible work arrangements, reducing the necessity for daily commuting. Additionally, the city is exploring the expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure to cater to the growing number of EV users, with plans to integrate more charging stations at key locations.

energy icon


Atascadero's waste management system emphasizes reducing landfill waste through robust recycling programs and the encouragement of composting. The city provides comprehensive curbside pickup services for recyclables, organics, and waste, aiming for high diversion rates from landfills. The recent introduction of a food waste collection program has been pivotal in converting organic waste into compost, which is then made available to local farmers and gardeners. Additionally, the city has implemented educational programs in schools and the community to promote reduction, reuse, and recycling habits. There are also local hazardous waste collection events and facilities for safe disposal of electronics, batteries, and chemicals to prevent environmental contamination. Businesses in the area are encouraged to participate in the Green Business Program, which aids them in adopting sustainable waste management practices.