
Barberton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Barberton, Ohio, founded in 1891 by industrialist O.C. Barber, is known as the "Magic City" due to its rapid growth. Famous for its Mum Festival and Lake Anna, it's a hub for rubber and manufacturing industries.

incentives available in Barberton for...
energy icon


Barberton, Ohio, has made strides in improving its energy efficiency in recent years. The city has encouraged residents and businesses to participate in energy-saving programs, such as offering rebates for upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and lighting. The installation of LED streetlights throughout the city has significantly reduced municipal energy consumption. Local energy audits have become more prevalent, allowing homeowners to identify and rectify energy leaks. Solar energy use has seen an uptick, with some municipal buildings harnessing solar panels to offset their energy use. Barberton has also seen a growing interest in residential solar installations, partly due to state and federal tax incentives. Joint efforts with utility companies have resulted in demand response programs that reward consumers for reducing electricity usage during peak periods. Additionally, the city's involvement in community energy aggregation has provided residents with the option to source their electricity from renewable sources, typically at a lower cost than traditional energy options.

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In Barberton, water conservation and efficiency measures have been taken seriously, with various initiatives to ensure sustainable water use and protection of water quality in place. The city has invested in modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and water loss. The implementation of smart meters has allowed for more accurate water usage tracking, assisting in identifying unusual patterns that may indicate leaks. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among homeowners, with incentives provided for those who install such systems. The city maintains a strict schedule for water treatment plant inspections and upgrades to ensure high-quality drinking water. Educational campaigns about water conservation practices, such as low-flow fixtures and native landscaping that requires less watering, have been well-received by the community. The local government also works closely with agricultural and industrial sectors to monitor and regulate water usage. Stormwater management practices have been improved, including the installation of permeable pavements and the creation of green spaces to decrease runoff and increase groundwater recharge. These efforts are complemented by public awareness programs on the importance of maintaining clean and healthy water bodies.

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Barberton has made conscious efforts to develop a more efficient transportation network. The city has promoted the use of public transportation by improving the connectivity and frequency of bus services. Investments have been made in upgrading bus fleets to more fuel-efficient or electric models, reducing the carbon footprint. The city has also installed bike lanes and published bike maps to encourage cycling as a viable and eco-friendly mode of transport. Enhancements to pedestrian infrastructure, including safer crosswalks and more sidewalks, have been designed to foster a walkable city. Barberton has encouraged carpooling and ride-sharing services to decrease single-occupancy vehicle rides and alleviate traffic congestion. There is a push towards electric vehicle (EV) adoption, with charging stations becoming more prevalent in public areas and incentives for EV purchases. The local government has also been coordinating with regional planners to explore options for a light rail system that could connect Barberton with larger nearby cities, reducing reliance on personal vehicles for longer commutes. These improvements reflect a commitment to reducing the overall environmental impact of transportation while promoting efficient and accessible options for residents.

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Barberton's waste management system has progressively incorporated more efficient and sustainable practices. The city has initiated recycling programs that are accessible to all residents, aiming to reduce the waste sent to landfills. Curbside recycling for common materials such as paper, plastic, and glass is widely promoted and has shown an increase in participation rates. The local government also promotes the proper disposal of hazardous waste through designated drop-off events, ensuring harmful substances are not introduced into the environment. Electronic waste recycling programs have been established to cope with the growing amount of discarded electronic devices. In an effort to support waste reduction, the city has engaged with businesses to minimize unnecessary packaging. Composting initiatives have been introduced to manage organic waste effectively, and the city has begun to explore waste-to-energy technologies as a means to both manage waste and produce renewable energy. The focus on education and community workshops on waste reduction signifies an investment in long-term behavioral change towards waste management.