Map/New Jersey/Bayonne

Bayonne personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Bayonne, NJ, located in Hudson County, is a thriving port city on the Peninsula at the east of Newark Bay. Known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and the Bayonne Bridge, one of the longest steel arch bridges in the world, the city boasts robust industries and community spirit. With a population of approximately 63,000, Bayonne offers waterfront recreation, a variety of dining and shopping options, and is a key player in the New York metropolitan area economy. Its strategic location near New York City makes it a transportation hub, blending urban living with hometown charm.

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energy icon


Bayonne, New Jersey, has been focusing on improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has embraced the use of renewable energy sources, with several solar panel installations on public buildings, reducing the reliance on non-renewable energy sources. To encourage residents to contribute to energy conservation, incentives for solar panel installations in private homes have been offered. The Bayonne Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP) aids households in updating old appliances with energy-efficient models. Street lighting has been upgraded to LED lighting to cut down on electricity use and maintenance costs. The transition to green building standards has begun with new construction projects aiming for LEED certification. Furthermore, the city's commitment to the Energy Improvement District program signifies a strategic approach to energy management, focused on industrial areas to optimize energy use.

energy icon


Bayonne's water efficiency has seen improvements due to the adoption of smart water metering systems, enabling precise tracking of water usage and helping to quickly identify leaks. The city's water infrastructure has undergone upgrades, with old pipes being replaced to prevent water loss due to leaks and breaks. There is an ongoing emphasis on the conservation of water in municipal facilities through the installation of low-flow fixtures and the implementation of water-saving landscaping practices. Bayonne's water treatment plant employs advanced technologies to ensure water meets high quality standards, minimizing waste during the treatment process. Public outreach campaigns educate residents on water conserving practices, such as fixing household leaks and using rain barrels. To protect local waterways, initiatives to reduce stormwater runoff through green infrastructure, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements, have been undertaken.

energy icon


Bayonne has made strides in enhancing transportation efficiency within the city. The introduction of the shuttle service offering connections to key transit hubs has helped reduce car dependency and alleviate traffic congestion. Bike-sharing programs and the development of dedicated bike lanes encourage cycling as a green alternative to vehicle use. Improvements to pedestrian infrastructure ensure safe and convenient walking conditions, promoting walking as a viable transportation option. Efforts to modernize the public transportation fleet with low-emission or electric vehicles have been made to minimize pollution and fuel consumption. The city has also been involved in regional transportation planning to address commuter challenges and improve the efficiency of travel within the broader metropolitan area. To further reduce transportation-related emissions, Bayonne has implemented incentives for residents to purchase electric vehicles and has begun installing electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city.

energy icon


In Bayonne, efforts to improve waste management have been significant. The city has introduced a comprehensive recycling program that accepts various materials, aiming to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. In addition, the city has implemented a strict schedule for waste collection to maximize efficiency and encourage residents to sort their waste more effectively. Educational programs have been established to raise public awareness about the importance of waste reduction and proper disposal practices. Commercial and residential composting initiatives have been piloted to divert organic waste from landfills. An e-waste recycling program helps properly dispose of electronic waste, preventing toxic substances from entering the environment. The Clean Communities Program, engaging volunteers in community clean-ups, has had a noticeable impact on reducing litter and promoting a culture of responsibility for the local environment.