Map/New Jersey/Belleville

Belleville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Belleville, NJ, known as the 'Cherry Blossom Capital of America', has a rich history dating back to the colonial era. This diverse town in Essex County boasts a population of approximately 36,000 and is home to the notable Belleville Dutch Reformed Church. The annual Cherry Blossom Festival highlights its scenic park. Moreover, Belleville served as an important manufacturing center during both World Wars, contributing significantly to wartime production efforts.

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energy icon


Belleville, NJ, has been implementing measures to enhance energy efficiency across the municipality. New buildings are encouraged to follow LEED certification guidelines, and several facilities have been upgraded with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems. Solar panel installations have increased, supported by state incentives such as the New Jersey Clean Energy Program's Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). The town has invested in energy-efficient public lighting, replacing older streetlights with LED alternatives, and municipal buildings have seen similar upgrades. Residential energy audits are more common, with some local utility providers offering free or discounted audits to encourage conservation. The township has also explored the potential of small-scale wind energy projects, although solar remains the predominant renewable focus. As part of its commitment to a sustainable future, the municipal fleet includes hybrid and electric vehicles, and public charging stations have been installed in key areas to promote electric vehicle usage among residents.

energy icon


Belleville, NJ, is actively working on water efficiency and quality improvement initiatives. The township is modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. This includes repairing old pipes and installing new water mains with more reliable and efficient materials. The stormwater management system is also being upgraded to prevent flooding and protect water quality in local rivers and streams. Rain gardens and permeable pavements are increasingly used in public spaces to reduce runoff and filter pollutants. The Belleville Water Department promotes the use of water-efficient fixtures and appliances through educational programs and may provide incentives for their adoption. Water conservation is also emphasized in schools and community centers, highlighting the importance of preserving this vital resource. Regular water quality testing ensures that Belleville's water meets all federal and state standards, and reports are made available to the public to maintain transparency and trust.

energy icon


Transportation in Belleville, NJ, has focused on becoming more efficient and environmentally friendly. Public transportation options, such as buses and commuter trains, are promoted as alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles, with efforts made to enhance service reliability and coverage. Initiatives to improve the walkability and bike-ability of the town, including the implementation of bike-sharing programs and the construction of new sidewalks and bike lanes, encourage residents to opt for non-motorized travel modes. To address traffic congestion and reduce emissions, Belleville has been working with regional transportation planners to optimize traffic flow through smart traffic signals and intersection improvements. In addition, carpooling and ride-sharing are supported through local campaigns and partnerships with service providers. The township's fleet policy prioritizes fuel-efficient and alternative fuel vehicles, and efforts are made to coordinate vehicle usage to reduce the number of trips and overall fleet emissions.

energy icon


Waste management in Belleville, NJ, has seen significant improvements with an emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The curbside recycling program accepts a wide range of materials including plastics, metals, paper, and cardboard, actively diverting these from landfills. The town has also implemented a robust yard waste collection service, which includes leaves and branches, turning them into compost for community use. Electronic waste recycling events are held periodically to safely dispose of electronics, preventing harmful substances from contaminating landfills. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through local initiatives and can participate in waste reduction programs that provide resources and support. Belleville hosts educational events to increase awareness about proper waste disposal and the benefits of recycling. The township has designated recycling coordinators to oversee waste management strategies and compliance with state regulations. A significant portion of Belleville's waste is now either recycled or used in waste-to-energy plants, further reducing the environmental impact.