
Beloit personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Beloit, WI, founded in 1836, is a charming city at the confluence of the Rock River and Turtle Creek. Known for its revitalized downtown, Beloit College, and strong industrial history, it hosts the annual Beloit International Film Festival and is home to the Angel Museum, which houses the world's largest collection of angels. The city's diverse heritage and commitment to the arts make it a culturally rich community in the heart of the Midwest.

incentives available in Beloit for...
energy icon


Beloit, Wisconsin, has focused on increasing energy efficiency through various local initiatives and incentives. The city has encouraged the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar power, by offering grants and tax incentives for residential and commercial solar installations. Furthermore, the local government has implemented energy efficiency programs aimed at retrofitting municipal buildings with LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems. These efforts have been complemented by community-wide campaigns to educate the public on energy conservation methods, including smart thermostats and home energy audits. Beloit's partnership with energy providers also facilitates the use of smart grids and advanced metering infrastructure to optimize electricity consumption and reduce peak demand. Energy efficiency in new constructions is bolstered by adhering to stringent building codes that promote the use of energy-efficient appliances and insulation. Local businesses have been encouraged to participate in the 'Green Business Program,' which recognizes and supports businesses that undertake measures to reduce energy use. The city's strategic plan places a strong emphasis on sustainability, with continued investments in renewable energy projects and infrastructure, positioning Beloit as a leader in green energy initiatives within the region.

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Water conservation and management in Beloit are prioritized to ensure sustainable use of this vital resource. The city has implemented a tiered water pricing structure to encourage conservation, where higher usage results in increased rates. Infrastructure updates, such as the replacement of old water mains and the installation of water-efficient fixtures in municipal buildings, have been important steps in reducing water loss and waste. In addition, residents have access to programs that offer rebates for water-efficient appliances and rain barrel installations, further promoting conservation efforts. Beloit has invested in green infrastructure projects, including rain gardens and bioswales, to manage stormwater runoff and improve water quality. Educational outreach programs inform the community about the importance of protecting water resources and the impact of pollutants on the Rock River watershed, which is an essential waterway for the city. Residents are encouraged to adopt water-wise landscaping practices, which include the use of native plants and xeriscaping. The city is also engaged in monitoring water quality and has strict regulations in place to prevent industrial pollutants from entering the water system. These initiatives reflect Beloit's commitment to efficient water use and maintaining a clean and sustainable water supply for future generations.

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Transportation efficiency is an integral part of Beloit's sustainability goals. The city has made significant investments in upgrading public transit, with the aim of providing reliable and energy-efficient bus services. This includes the addition of cleaner, fuel-efficient buses to the fleet and the establishment of more effective transit routes to reduce travel times and improve accessibility. Initiatives such as bike-sharing programs and the development of bike lanes encourage non-motorized transportation, promoting both environmental and health benefits. To support the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), Beloit has facilitated the installation of EV charging stations in strategic locations, offering convenience for EV users and incentivizing the transition from gasoline-powered vehicles. In partnership with local businesses and organizations, the city has also promoted carpooling and ride-sharing programs as alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle travel, aiming to reduce traffic congestion and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The integration of transportation planning with land use development ensures that new housing and business developments are located near transit hubs, fostering a walkable city environment. Beloit's transportation policies prioritize the connection between mobility, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of its citizens, striving to create a transportation network that is efficient, sustainable, and accessible to all.

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Waste management in Beloit has seen improvements with the adoption of comprehensive recycling programs and waste reduction strategies. The city provides curbside recycling services and has initiated public education campaigns to increase recycling rates and proper sorting of materials. A key focus has been on diverting organic waste from landfills through the promotion of composting programs, both at the residential and community garden levels. Efforts to manage electronic waste have also been implemented, providing regular e-waste collection events and drop-off points to safely dispose of electronics. The city supports local businesses in adopting sustainable waste management practices by offering waste audits and incentives for reducing waste generation. To further minimize waste, Beloit has encouraged the use of reusable bags and containers, and has targeted single-use plastics by encouraging alternatives. The construction and demolition sectors are also part of the waste efficiency plan, with policies in place to encourage the recycling of construction materials. Additionally, the adoption of a pay-as-you-throw system incentivizes residents to produce less waste by charging based on the amount of trash disposed. These efforts are part of Beloit's broader plan to move towards a circular economy, reducing the overall environmental impact of waste.