Map/South Carolina/Bishopville

Bishopville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,580

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Bishopville, SC, known as the "Garden Spot of the Carolinas," is the county seat of Lee County. With a population of around 3,400, it serves as a small agricultural hub. The town is renowned for its unique attraction, the Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden, where plants are sculpted into artistic shapes by a self-taught topiary artist. Bishopville is also noted for its sightings of the Lizard Man, a local cryptid, which has become a part of regional folklore and has garnered media attention. The South Carolina Cotton Museum, highlighting the state's cotton farming history, is another highlight of the town. Despite its small size, Bishopville's distinct blend of horticulture, history, and folklore gives it a unique character in South Carolina.

incentives available in Bishopville for...
energy icon


Bishopville, a small city in South Carolina, has made strides in energy efficiency. The community has benefitted from state incentives like tax credits for residents and businesses that install solar panels, fostering a gradual increase in renewable energy adoption. The local government has retrofitted public buildings with LED lighting and energy-efficient HVAC systems, significantly reducing municipal energy consumption. The city's participation in utility-run energy audit programs has increased awareness amongst homeowners and led to improvements in home energy efficiency. Bishopville's proactive approach towards energy conservation also includes community workshops on energy savings and the promotion of Energy Star appliances through local retailers. Despite these advancements, there is an ongoing need to upgrade older, inefficient residential and commercial buildings to meet higher energy standards.

energy icon


Water conservation is a priority in Bishopville, with measures in place to protect the local watershed and reduce water waste. The city has upgraded its water infrastructure, fixing leaks and replacing old pipes, to decrease water loss during distribution. Rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged among residents and businesses, with rebates provided for installation. Water-efficient landscaping, known as xeriscaping, is promoted through city planning initiatives, which helps to reduce outdoor water use. The local water utility periodically offers free water conservation kits, including low-flow fixtures, to homeowners. Educational programs have been established to inform the community about the importance of water conservation and the impact of water usage on the environment. However, challenges remain in managing seasonal water demand and ensuring sustainable water practices among new developments.

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Transportation efficiency in Bishopville incorporates strategies to reduce vehicle emissions and improve residents' mobility. The town does not have an extensive public transportation system due to its small size, but there is a focus on maintaining the existing roads and infrastructure to support efficient traffic flow. Carpooling is encouraged through local initiatives, helping to decrease the number of vehicles on the road. Bishopville's compact downtown area is pedestrian-friendly, encouraging walking over driving for short trips. The city has also considered the development of bike lanes to promote cycling as an alternative mode of transportation. Through community events and awareness programs, residents are educated on the benefits of using more efficient, cleaner transportation options. Efforts to introduce electric vehicle charging stations are in the early stages, with potential state and federal grants playing a crucial role in their future implementation.

energy icon


The waste management system in Bishopville emphasizes recycling and proper waste disposal to minimize environmental impact. The city's curbside pickup program accepts a variety of recyclable materials, including plastics, paper, and metals, ensuring convenient recycling for residents. The local government has launched educational campaigns to promote waste sorting and reduce contamination in recycling bins. The introduction of a composting program has encouraged the diversion of organic waste from landfills, providing valuable compost for public landscaping and local farming. Bishopville has also implemented e-waste collection events to safely dispose of electronic waste. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through the city's 'green business' certification. Despite these programs, increasing the diversion rate remains a priority to reduce landfill dependency.