Brea personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,205

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $21500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Brea, California, nestled in Orange County, was once a crude oil production town but has transformed into a city known for its public art program and the Brea Mall. With a population of roughly 40,000, it offers a suburban feel while hosting a vibrant downtown area with varied dining and entertainment options. The city boasts excellent schools, expansive parks, and a rich history displayed at the Brea Museum. Yearly cultural events like the Brea Fest highlight its community spirit.

incentives available in Brea for...
energy icon


Brea, California, has made advancements in energy efficiency by adopting various measures such as the promotion of renewable energy sources, energy-saving programs, and building code enhancements to ensure higher efficiency in new constructions. The city supports residential and commercial solar installations, offering incentives like expedited permitting and rebates through partnerships with utility companies. Energy efficiency retrofits have been encouraged in older buildings, and the community benefits from the wider adoption of LED street lighting, which consumes less power and reduces municipal energy costs. Additionally, the city has implemented smart metering systems to allow residents and businesses to monitor and manage their energy usage more effectively. Brea's public facilities actively incorporate energy-efficient designs, and the municipality constantly evaluates the performance of its buildings to make energy-saving improvements.

energy icon


Water conservation in Brea is of utmost importance due to the semi-arid climate of Southern California, and the city emphasizes the use of drought-tolerant landscaping through various incentive programs for residents who replace water-intensive lawns with low-water alternatives. Brea's water utility employs a tiered rate structure designed to encourage conservation among users, with higher rates applied to greater water usage. There are also rebates available for the installation of water-efficient fixtures and appliances. For public spaces, Brea uses reclaimed water for irrigation, reducing the demand on freshwater sources. The city employs state-of-the-art water metering technology to detect leaks and efficiently manage the water supply system. Brea's water conservation education programs emphasize the importance of mindful water use and engage the community in activities that promote a water-wise culture.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Brea centers around reducing traffic congestion and promoting alternative modes of transport. The city has invested in developing bike lanes and pedestrian pathways to make non-vehicle travel safer and more accessible, encouraging residents to consider biking or walking for short trips. Public transportation options are supported through partnerships with regional providers, offering services that connect Brea with surrounding areas and providing a viable alternative to single-occupancy vehicle use. The city is also home to electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, which are part of a wider network aimed at supporting the transition to EVs and decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. In an effort to improve traffic flow and reduce emissions, Brea has implemented intelligent transportation systems, including synchronized traffic signals and real-time traffic monitoring. These initiatives, along with carpool programs and incentives for low-emission vehicles, underscore Brea's commitment to transportation efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

energy icon


Waste management in Brea is characterized by concerted efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to minimize landfill usage. The city has a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, diverting significant waste from landfills. Residents have access to curbside recycling services, and the city has been proactive in educating the community on proper waste sorting to maximize recycling rates. Additionally, Brea promotes electronic waste recycling and hazardous waste disposal programs to handle materials that require special treatment. The city also encourages composting, both at the residential level and through community initiatives, to reduce organic waste. Businesses are required to comply with waste reduction ordinances, and the city has set benchmarks for commercial recycling rates. Brea's waste reduction strategies reflect a commitment to sustainability and the principles of a circular economy.