
Bremerton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $59,397

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $890
ENERGY Plumbing $75
ENERGY Electrician $67
ENERGY Door and Window $1500
ENERGY Insulation $1150
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $12650
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Bremerton, WA, founded in 1891, is known for the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. It has a population of over 40,000, offering maritime views, arts scene, and the USS Turner Joy museum ship.

incentives available in Bremerton for...
energy icon


Bremerton, WA, has taken strides in energy efficiency through a variety of initiatives. The city has invested in upgrading public buildings with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, aiming to reduce municipal energy consumption. The utility provider in Bremerton offers incentives for residential and commercial properties to adopt energy-efficient appliances and retrofit their buildings. Solar power adoption is encouraged with rebates for installations on private properties. The community has shown interest in renewable energy sources as evident by the increase in local solar panel installations. The city promotes the use of Energy Star certified products and participates in energy awareness campaigns to educate the public on the importance of energy conservation. Furthermore, Bremerton's commitment to green building practices is showcased in new developments that meet or exceed energy performance standards. Energy audits are available to residents at a subsidized cost, providing them with a roadmap to increase their home's energy efficiency. With these combined efforts, Bremerton is on the path to becoming a more energy-aware and efficient city.

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Bremerton, WA, has made significant progress in water efficiency. The city has upgraded its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. Resident awareness programs promote water-saving techniques like the use of low-flow faucets and toilets. Rainwater harvesting is encouraged among homeowners through educational outreach and incentives for installing rain barrels. Bremerton's water treatment facilities have improved in efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring cleaner water is returned to the ecosystem after use. Incentives for sustainable landscaping and the use of native plants that require less watering are provided to reduce outdoor water usage. Water conservation efforts are also evident in the regulations that dictate watering days and times during the drier months. The city's investment in water-efficient public spaces, such as parks and public gardens, sets an example for conservation. Bremerton also engages in regular monitoring of water quality in Puget Sound to protect aquatic life and public health. Through these measures, Bremerton demonstrates its commitment to sustainable water management and conservation.

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The transportation infrastructure in Bremerton is geared towards efficiency and sustainability. The city promotes public transportation by providing comprehensive bus services, with routes designed to decrease reliance on personal vehicles. Bremerton has invested in electric vehicle charging infrastructure, making it more convenient for the adoption of electric cars. The ferry system is a crucial and efficient mode of transport for residents and visitors alike, connecting Bremerton to surrounding areas with minimal environmental impact. Bicycle lanes and bike-share programs encourage cycling as an alternative, healthy, and eco-friendly mode of transportation. Sidewalk improvements and expansions promote walkability within the city, contributing to reduced vehicular traffic and emissions. Carpool initiatives and ride-share programs are supported to decrease the number of cars on the road. The city's transportation policies emphasize reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encourage modal shifts towards more sustainable transportation options. Through these efforts, Bremerton aims to create a connected, efficient, and eco-friendly transportation system.

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Bremerton's waste management strategies have evolved to focus on reducing the environmental impact of waste. The city has implemented comprehensive recycling programs, including curbside pickup for paper, cardboard, glass, and certain plastics. Residents are encouraged to participate in composting, with the city providing materials and training to support home composting efforts, thus diverting organic waste from the landfill. The city also hosts hazardous waste collection events, preventing improper disposal of materials like batteries, electronics, and chemicals. Businesses in Bremerton are motivated to minimize waste generation through a variety of waste reduction programs. Educational campaigns on proper waste disposal and the benefits of recycling are ongoing. The city has set ambitious goals for landfill diversion and continues to explore innovative waste-to-energy opportunities. A local focus on circular economy principles is being fostered, promoting the reuse and refurbishing of materials. Through these initiatives, Bremerton aims to significantly reduce its waste footprint and encourage sustainable waste management practices amongst its residents and businesses.