
Brentwood personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $47,265

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $17000
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Brentwood, CA, located in Contra Costa County, is a vibrant suburban city with a population of around 64,000. Known for its high quality of life, excellent schools, and numerous parks, it also has a rich agricultural history, with local farms producing fruits such as cherries and peaches. The city hosts popular annual events like the Brentwood CornFest. Despite sharing a name, it is not to be confused with the upscale Brentwood neighborhood in Los Angeles.

incentives available in Brentwood for...
energy icon


In Brentwood, CA, the community has been actively pursuing energy efficiency through a combination of policies, incentives, and community initiatives. The city has embraced solar energy, with many homeowners and businesses installing photovoltaic systems, encouraged by state-level incentives like the California Solar Initiative. Additionally, the city promotes energy conservation through local building codes that exceed the California Energy Commission's requirements. Energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting retrofits are common in homes, public buildings, and street lighting. The utility companies also offer rebate programs for energy efficiency upgrades, further driving local commitment. Renewable energy use is on the rise due to community choice aggregation programs, allowing residents to opt for greener electricity sources. The city is also exploring the potential for wind energy to complement its solar portfolio. Efforts to reduce energy consumption extend into the education sector, with schools implementing energy-efficient practices and incorporating sustainability into their curricula.

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Water efficiency in Brentwood is of paramount importance due to California's recurring droughts. The city has adopted a multifaceted approach to water conservation, which includes tiered water pricing to encourage efficient usage. Landscaping ordinances promote the use of drought-resistant plants and limit the size of grass lawns. There are also rebate programs for installing water-efficient irrigation systems, toilets, and appliances. The city's water utility offers free water audits to help residents and businesses identify ways to save water. Leak detection and repair programs are in place to minimize water loss in the municipal water system. Rainwater harvesting and greywater systems are increasingly popular among residents, with local government providing resources and guidelines for their implementation. In addition, public education campaigns highlight the necessity of water conservation and provide practical tips on reducing water use both indoors and outdoors.

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Transportation efficiency in Brentwood is continuously evolving, with a focus on reducing emissions and promoting alternative modes of transport. The city encourages the use of electric and hybrid vehicles by installing charging stations and by offering incentives for EV purchases. Public transportation is being improved to provide residents with reliable and convenient options for commuting. Expansion of bike lanes and pedestrian pathways is part of the city's development plans, making non-motorized travel safer and more appealing. The city supports ride-sharing programs and has taken steps to integrate transportation planning with regional efforts to reduce traffic congestion. Furthermore, the local government incentivizes businesses to promote carpooling and the use of public transportation among their employees. Brentwood's long-term transportation plan includes investigating the feasibility of autonomous vehicles and smart traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce travel times.

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Brentwood's waste management practices are geared towards reducing landfill contributions and promoting a circular economy. The city has implemented a robust curbside recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Residents participate in composting programs that divert organic waste from landfills, converting it into valuable soil amendments for local agricultural use. Commercial entities are required to comply with mandatory recycling ordinances. The city has also actively promoted the use of reusable bags and containers, reducing the reliance on single-use plastics. Special waste collection events are organized for the proper disposal of e-waste, hazardous waste, and bulky items. The city works closely with waste haulers to track diversion rates and aims to continuously improve recycling and waste reduction methods among citizens and businesses. Educational campaigns on the importance of waste reduction and proper sorting are regularly conducted to ensure high levels of community participation and awareness.