
Clanton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,180

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4450
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Clanton, AL, is the county seat of Chilton County, known for its peaches. Founded in 1868, it features landmarks like the Peach Park and historic Corner Park. Clanton also hosts the annual Chilton County Peach Festival, celebrating the region's agricultural heritage. The city's economy includes agriculture, manufacturing, and retail, with a growing community embracing both its small-town charm and modern development.

incentives available in Clanton for...
energy icon


Clanton, AL, has made significant strides in energy efficiency, embracing renewable sources and implementing energy-saving initiatives. The city has seen an increase in solar panel installations, partly due to tax incentives for both residential and commercial properties. LED streetlights have replaced older, less efficient bulbs, contributing to lower municipal energy costs and reduced carbon emissions. Local businesses are encouraged through grants to upgrade their machinery to more energy-efficient models, promoting sustainability. Clanton's energy mix is diversifying, with a small but growing contribution from biomass and a push for better insulation standards in new building codes to enhance energy conservation. The community is actively engaged in energy education programs, aimed at reducing overall consumption and promoting smarter energy use. Energy audits have become more commonplace, identifying wasteful practices and providing a framework for improvements. As a result, energy consumption per capita in Clanton is on a downward trajectory, setting a positive example for neighboring communities.

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Water conservation and management in Clanton have been a priority, given the regional concerns about water scarcity and quality. The city's water treatment plants have been upgraded to utilize advanced filtration technology, ensuring clean water supply while maintaining efficient operations. Rainwater harvesting systems are incentivized for both residential and commercial buildings, leading to significant water savings. Low-flow fixtures are now standard in municipal buildings, and a rebate program encourages residents and businesses to install them. Clanton has implemented smart water metering, which not only reduces water waste but also helps in early detection of leaks. Public awareness campaigns have successfully motivated citizens to adopt water-saving practices such as xeriscaping and timed irrigation. The city has also focused on maintaining and upgrading its water infrastructure, reducing leakage from old pipes, which has improved overall water system efficiency. Efforts to protect local waterways from pollution are strong, with regular monitoring and cleanup events. These combined measures have positioned Clanton as a leader in water conservation in its region.

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Transportation efficiency in Clanton has seen progress with initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and lowering emissions. A key project has been the expansion of the public transit system, including more frequent bus services and the introduction of cleaner, fuel-efficient buses. Carpooling is actively promoted, supported by a city-run rideshare matching service, making shared commutes more accessible. Bike lanes have been expanded, and a bike-share program has been introduced, encouraging residents to opt for cycling over driving for short trips. Clanton has also installed several electric vehicle charging stations around the city, in line with the growing number of EV owners incentivized by state and local tax credits. Efforts to synchronize traffic lights have reduced idle times and improved the flow of traffic. The city has engaged in smart city initiatives, using data analytics to optimize route planning for both personal commuting and freight. The local government has made investments in pedestrian infrastructure, making walking a safer and more attractive option. These efforts to improve transportation are not only enhancing the quality of life in Clanton but are also contributing to the reduction of the city's carbon footprint.

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Clanton has made significant improvements in waste management, focusing on reducing landfill use and enhancing recycling programs. The city has established a robust curbside recycling service, incentivizing participation by offering discounts on waste disposal fees. A composting initiative was launched to decrease organic waste, with free compost available to residents, encouraging a cycle of reuse. The local government has partnered with businesses to promote the use of biodegradable or recyclable materials in packaging. Special collection days for hazardous waste have successfully diverted harmful substances from the environment. Clanton’s waste-to-energy plant contributes to the city's electricity supply, turning non-recyclable waste into a resource. The city's 'Zero Waste Challenge' educates residents on waste reduction practices, aiming to minimize the community’s environmental footprint. Furthermore, Clanton has invested in modern waste sorting facilities, improving the efficiency and capacity of recycling operations. These initiatives collectively contribute to a higher waste diversion rate and a reduction in overall waste production.