
Clarksville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,080

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $300
ENERGY Insulation $100
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4100
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Clarksville, Indiana, founded in 1783, is known for its rich history, including the Lewis and Clark expedition's starting point. It boasts Colgate Clock, one of the world's largest timepieces, and is part of the Louisville metropolitan area. The Falls of the Ohio State Park is a prominent attraction, featuring fossil beds dating back 390 million years. Clarksville is also a retail hub for the region, with the Green Tree Mall and many shopping outlets. Despite its modest population, Clarksville has a vibrant community and a growing economy.

incentives available in Clarksville for...
energy icon


Clarksville, IN, has made strides in energy efficiency through various initiatives. The town has promoted the use of LED lighting in public spaces, resulting in significant energy savings. Residential programs incentivize homeowners to upgrade their insulation and windows, leading to better energy conservation. Clarksville's push for smart thermostats in households has allowed residents to manage their energy consumption effectively. Solar panel installations have gained popularity thanks to local government incentives, decreasing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. The local power plant has seen upgrades to its infrastructure, optimizing its energy output while reducing emissions. Retail spaces and schools have been encouraged to participate in 'green' building practices, leading to several LEED-certified structures. Energy education programs are in place, fostering community awareness about the importance of energy conservation. The town has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as small-scale hydroelectric installations on the Ohio River, to further reduce its carbon footprint. Energy audits are offered at a subsidized rate, pushing for a community-wide understanding and improvement of energy consumption patterns.

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Clarksville has made significant investments in water efficiency and infrastructure. Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been installed for accurate and timely water usage data, leading to better leak detection and water management. The town has initiated a rain barrel distribution program to encourage rainwater harvesting among residents for non-potable uses. Water-saving fixtures are promoted through local incentive programs, helping households and businesses reduce their water footprint. Clarksville's wastewater treatment plant has been upgraded for increased efficiency and to meet higher environmental standards. A public awareness campaign on the importance of water conservation has been well-received, with educational materials distributed to all households. The town enforces strict water quality monitoring to ensure that clean, safe drinking water is provided to residents. Landscaping codes have been updated to encourage the use of native plants that require less irrigation. Rebates are offered for installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures in homes and businesses. Stormwater management practices have been enhanced to reduce runoff and improve water quality in the Ohio River. In schools, water conservation is taught as part of the curriculum, creating a culture of water-wise citizens.

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Clarksville's transportation efficiency has improved through the development of a more comprehensive public transit system. The town has expanded its bus routes, providing more frequent service and better connectivity to key areas. Bike-sharing programs and the construction of additional bike lanes have encouraged non-motorized transportation. The local government has incentivized the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by installing charging stations in strategic locations and offering tax credits to EV buyers. A pedestrian-friendly infrastructure project has been initiated, making walking a more viable and safe option for residents. Carpooling and ride-sharing are promoted within the community, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and the associated emissions. Clarksville has also focused on improving traffic flow through the use of smart traffic management systems, reducing congestion and idling times. The town collaborates with regional transportation planners to integrate its transportation initiatives into a broader, more efficient network. An educational campaign has been launched to inform residents about the benefits of using alternative transportation modes. Future transportation projects are being evaluated for their environmental impact, ensuring that sustainable practices are followed in their implementation.

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Clarksville has implemented comprehensive waste management programs to enhance waste efficiency. Curbside recycling services are widely available, and the town has seen an increase in recycling rates due to robust public education campaigns. The local government has installed recycling bins throughout public areas, making recycling more accessible to the general public and visitors. A ‘pay-as-you-throw’ policy encourages residents to reduce general waste by charging based on the amount of non-recyclable trash produced. The community hosts annual hazardous waste collection days to prevent improper disposal of such materials. Additionally, yard waste is collected seasonally and composted, reducing landfill use and producing organic compost for local parks and residents. Clarksville has also partnered with local businesses and organizations to implement waste reduction strategies, leading to a notable decrease in commercial waste. Construction and demolition debris programs are in place to recover materials that can be reused or recycled. The town has invested in advanced waste sorting technology at recovery facilities to ensure maximum diversion from landfills. Educational workshops on waste minimization and recycling are routinely held to engage the community in waste reduction efforts.