
Clifton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $43,480

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Insulation $450
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4550
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Clifton, CO, nestled in Mesa County, is a census-designated place with a diverse population. Known for its scenic views of the Grand Mesa and outdoor recreation, its economy largely thrives on agriculture and local businesses. Despite its small size, Clifton offers a close-knit community feel, with access to urban amenities in nearby Grand Junction.

incentives available in Clifton for...
energy icon


Clifton, CO has made strides in energy efficiency through the adoption of various green initiatives. Local businesses and residents have access to incentives for installing solar panels, leading to increased solar capacity within the community. The utility company servicing Clifton offers rebates for energy-efficient appliances and home improvements that enhance insulation and reduce energy consumption. Smart metering technology is widespread, enabling residents to monitor their energy use in real time. The town has also seen a growth in the availability of charging stations for electric vehicles, supporting a transition towards cleaner transportation options. Efforts to retrofit public buildings with LED lighting and energy-efficient HVAC systems have cut down municipal energy costs significantly. Residential programs promoting energy audits have helped homeowners identify ways to save energy, and community education campaigns on the benefits of energy conservation have increased overall awareness.

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Water conservation in Clifton, CO has been a key focus due to the region's arid climate. The town has implemented tiered water pricing to encourage conservation, with higher rates for greater usage. Rebate programs are in place for water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Landscaping guidelines promote the use of native, drought-resistant plants, reducing the need for irrigation. Clifton also supports rainwater harvesting by providing information and resources to residents interested in installing collection systems. The local water utility has invested in infrastructure to reduce leaks and improve the efficiency of water delivery. Enhanced water treatment processes have been adopted to ensure the sustainability of water resources. Public education on the importance of water conservation includes workshops on xeriscaping and efficient irrigation techniques. These comprehensive measures have collectively helped to stabilize water consumption despite population growth.

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Transportation in Clifton, CO has seen improvements aimed at enhancing efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. The town has expanded its network of bike lanes, making cycling a safer and more attractive option for commuters. Public transportation has been bolstered with the addition of clean-energy buses and expanded routes that better serve the community's needs. Ride-sharing programs and incentives for carpooling have been promoted to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Local businesses have been encouraged to implement flexible work hours and telecommuting options to reduce rush-hour traffic. Clifton's investment in pedestrian infrastructure, including well-maintained sidewalks and crosswalks, supports walkability. In addition, the town has engaged in smart traffic management systems to reduce congestion, thereby decreasing emissions and improving air quality. These initiatives have collectively contributed to making Clifton's transportation system more sustainable and efficient.

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Clifton, CO has implemented comprehensive waste management practices to minimize its environmental footprint. Recycling programs have been optimized to accommodate a wider range of materials, with single-stream recycling reducing the complexity for residents. The town has a robust yard waste composting service, diverting organic materials from landfills and producing compost for local use. Businesses are encouraged to participate in waste audits and can benefit from incentives for reducing packaging waste. Clifton's hazardous waste disposal program ensures that materials like batteries, electronics, and chemicals are properly handled, preventing soil and water contamination. The town has also invested in public education campaigns to increase participation in recycling and composting programs, including school initiatives to foster a culture of waste reduction from a young age. A local ordinance mandates construction waste recycling, which has led to a significant decrease in construction-related landfill contributions.