
Florence personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,930

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $300
ENERGY Insulation $175
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4100
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Florence, KY, is a thriving city in Boone County known for its "Florence Y'all" water tower. With a population of over 32,000, it's a suburban hub near Cincinnati, featuring the Florence Mall, a variety of parks, and a vibrant economy. Its annual Renaissance Festival showcases a historical flair, while Turfway Park offers live horse racing, embodying Kentucky's rich equestrian heritage.

incentives available in Florence for...
energy icon


Florence, KY, has made considerable strides in improving energy efficiency through various incentives and programs. The city has encouraged the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar panel installations on residential and commercial buildings. Tax incentives have been provided to homeowners who invest in energy-efficient appliances and home retrofitting. Local businesses have benefited from subsidized energy audits and grants for upgrading to more energy-efficient machinery. The city has also seen an increase in the usage of LED streetlights, which not only reduce energy consumption but also enhance public safety. Renewable energy credits are an attractive option for larger facilities looking to offset their carbon footprint. The Florence government has partnered with state initiatives to promote energy conservation and the implementation of smart grid technologies to better manage energy distribution and reduce waste. The energy landscape in Florence is steadily moving towards sustainability with a significant reduction in per capita energy consumption.

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Water efficiency in Florence, KY, is a priority, with initiatives aimed at reducing consumption and protecting water resources. The city has undertaken significant infrastructure upgrades to minimize water loss due to leaks and outdated piping. Residents are offered rebates for installing low-flow fixtures in their homes, such as toilets and showerheads. Rain barrel distribution programs help homeowners collect and use rainwater for irrigation, easing the demand on treated water supplies. The local government enforces strict regulations on industrial water use, ensuring factories and plants meet water conservation standards. Landscaping guidelines promote the use of native plants that require less irrigation. Educational programs teach citizens about the importance of water conservation and offer practical tips for reducing usage. Advanced water treatment technologies have been introduced to ensure clean drinking water and reduce the energy needed for water treatment.

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Transportation efficiency in Florence, KY, has seen improvements through the development of a more connected and sustainable transport network. The city has enhanced its public transit system, providing more frequent and reliable bus services to reduce car dependency. Bike-sharing programs and the construction of new bike lanes encourage residents to opt for healthier and more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. Carpooling and ridesharing services are actively promoted, and incentives are provided to companies that support telecommuting and flexible working schedules, reducing traffic congestion and emissions during peak hours. Florence is investing in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, offering public EV charging stations and incentives for residents to switch to electric cars. The city also focuses on smart traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce idle times. Moreover, the local government is working on comprehensive urban planning to create walkable neighborhoods that integrate residential, commercial, and recreational spaces.

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Waste management in Florence, KY, has become more efficient thanks to comprehensive recycling programs and public awareness campaigns. The curbside recycling service has been improved, making it easier for households to recycle plastics, metals, paper, and glass. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in waste reduction by providing them with resources and incentives to establish their own recycling protocols. Events such as community clean-up days and hazardous waste disposal events have increased engagement and reduced illegal dumping. Florence has invested in state-of-the-art waste sorting facilities that have increased the percentage of waste being recycled or composted, thus diverting it from landfills. The city has also introduced organics recycling for food waste, which is later turned into compost for public and private use. A pay-as-you-throw program has been implemented, incentivizing residents to produce less trash and consider recycling and composting more seriously.