
Fremont personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $45,285

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $200
ENERGY Electrician $895
ENERGY Door and Window $30
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $475

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residential energy savings


Fremont, MI, located in Newaygo County, is known as the birthplace of Gerber Baby Food. With a population around 4,000, it combines small-town charm with rich agricultural heritage. Surrounded by lush orchards and lakes, Fremont hosts the National Baby Food Festival annually, celebrating its unique contribution to the baby food industry. Notable for its outdoor activities, residents and visitors enjoy fishing, boating, and hiking. The city maintains a strong community vibe with local businesses and a downtown that reflects historic Americana.

incentives available in Fremont for...
energy icon


Fremont, MI has made strides in improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has encouraged residents and businesses to adopt renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, by offering tax incentives and rebates. Local utility companies have also introduced energy-saving programs that provide free energy audits and incentives for energy-efficient appliances. LED streetlight conversions have reduced municipal energy consumption significantly. The recent adoption of smart grid technology has improved the efficiency of the city's electrical grid, reducing losses and allowing for better energy management. Efforts to encourage energy-saving construction practices, such as better insulation and the installation of energy-efficient windows, have been successful in reducing the overall energy demand of new buildings in Fremont. Community solar projects have gained popularity, allowing multiple residents to invest in and benefit from a single solar array, which has contributed to the city's sustainable energy portfolio.

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Fremont has made improvements in water efficiency by upgrading its infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. The city implemented a tiered water-pricing system to encourage conservation, with higher rates for increased usage. Rainwater harvesting has been promoted among households and businesses, with incentives for installation of rain barrels and cisterns. Water-efficient landscaping practices, such as xeriscaping, have been encouraged to reduce outdoor water use. The city's investment in modern wastewater treatment technology has enhanced the purification process, allowing for the safe reuse of treated wastewater for non-potable purposes like irrigation and industrial cooling. Educational campaigns on water conservation methods have been conducted, teaching residents about simple changes that lead to reduced water consumption. Additionally, Fremont has focused on protecting its local waterways from pollution, leading to improved water quality and reduced treatment costs.

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Transportation efficiency in Fremont has seen a notable improvement with the introduction of more fuel-efficient public transit vehicles and the expansion of the city's public transportation system. A network of bike lanes and walking paths has been developed to encourage non-motorized transportation, supported by bike-sharing programs and pedestrian-friendly urban design. The city has encouraged the use of electric and hybrid vehicles by installing numerous public EV charging stations and offering incentives for the purchase of clean vehicles. Carpooling and ride-sharing services are actively promoted, reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road and decreasing traffic congestion. Fremont has also adopted smart traffic management systems that optimize signal timings and reduce idling, leading to decreased emissions and fuel consumption. Initiatives such as 'Safe Routes to School' have made it easier and safer for children to walk or bike to school, which has also contributed to reduced transportation demands during peak hours.

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Waste management in Fremont has become more efficient with the implementation of a comprehensive recycling program that supports single-stream recycling, making it easier for residents to recycle a wide range of materials. The city has a robust curbside pickup program for recyclables, yard waste, and household hazardous waste, encouraging proper disposal and recycling. Local waste management facilities have upgraded their sorting and processing equipment, increasing the amount of waste that can be successfully recycled. Efforts to promote composting among residents and businesses have resulted in a significant reduction of organic waste sent to landfills. The city has enacted ordinances aimed at minimizing the use of single-use plastics and promoting reusable materials. Furthermore, education programs in schools and community centers have increased awareness about the importance of reducing waste and the options available for reuse and recycling. Business waste reduction incentives have spurred companies to adopt more sustainable practices, leading to higher levels of corporate responsibility in waste management.