
Geneva personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Geneva, Ohio, is a quaint city situated in Ashtabula County, with a population of around 6,000. It's known for its scenic vineyards, Geneva-on-the-Lake tourist resort, and local wineries. The city celebrates its wine heritage through the annual Grape Jamboree. Nature enthusiasts enjoy Geneva State Park, which offers outdoor activities such as fishing, camping, and hiking. Geneva's historic downtown features charming shops and restaurants, reflecting its small-town Americana vibe. The city also boasts a strong sense of community with events that bring residents together throughout the year.

incentives available in Geneva for...
energy icon


In Geneva, OH, the community has implemented a comprehensive energy efficiency program aimed at reducing consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Residential and commercial buildings have been encouraged to retrofit with energy-saving fixtures and smart systems to monitor and manage energy usage. The local government has incentivized the installation of energy-efficient appliances and lighting through rebates and tax credits. Solar panel installations have gained popularity, supported by state and federal incentives, and some households have transitioned almost entirely to renewable energy sources. Geneva also participates in a broader regional initiative to improve the electrical grid's efficiency, reduce transmission losses, and expand the use of energy storage systems. Energy education programs in schools and community centers have improved the public's understanding of energy conservation, fostering a culture of sustainability. The city's commitment to energy efficiency is also evident in its investment in LED street lighting and the upgrade of municipal buildings to green standards.

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Geneva's water efficiency efforts are characterized by the implementation of advanced water treatment facilities that ensure clean drinking water while minimizing waste. The city has focused on reducing water loss through the repair and modernization of aging infrastructure, resulting in decreased leakage rates. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among residents, reducing the demand on the municipal water supply. The city has aggressive water conservation campaigns that encourage shorter showers, fixing drips, and using low-flow fixtures. Incentive programs are available for installations that reduce water use, such as high-efficiency washing machines and toilets. Geneva's industries are required to follow strict water usage guidelines, and many have adopted closed-loop systems that recycle water internally. Public greenspaces use drought-resistant plants and smart irrigation systems that adjust watering based on weather conditions, minimizing overuse. Effluent from the city's wastewater treatment plant is treated to a high standard before being released, protecting local waterways from pollution.

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Geneva has made significant strides in improving transportation efficiency by promoting public transit and sustainable travel options. The city has increased the number of bus routes and improved scheduling to provide more reliable service, encouraging residents to leave their cars at home. To facilitate cycling, a network of bike lanes and secure bike parking has been established, and the city has implemented a bike-sharing program. Initiatives such as 'Car-Free Days' and incentives for carpooling have helped to reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions. The local government has installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations around the city to support the growing number of EVs. For those who need to drive, traffic flow improvements and synchronized traffic signals have been implemented to reduce idling and improve fuel efficiency. Investments in pedestrian infrastructure, including well-maintained sidewalks and safe crosswalks, promote walking as a viable and healthy transport option. Overall, Geneva's integrated approach to transportation has sought to create a greener, more efficient system for moving people around the city.

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The waste management strategy in Geneva, OH, focuses on reducing landfill usage through robust recycling programs and waste reduction initiatives. The city offers comprehensive curbside recycling for plastics, metals, paper, and glass, promoting community participation with educational outreach. Food waste composting programs have been introduced in local schools and businesses, diverting organic materials from landfills and producing nutrient-rich compost for local gardens and farms. The city has enforced strict regulations on industrial waste, ensuring proper disposal and treatment. A local hazardous waste collection program prevents improper disposal of electronics, batteries, and chemicals. Geneva has also started a 'Repair and Reuse' campaign to extend the life of goods and reduce consumption. The local government has collaborated with waste-to-energy plants to convert non-recyclable waste into energy, thus minimizing waste and generating electricity. A ban on certain single-use plastics has further helped to cut down the volume of waste generated.