
Henderson personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $44,026

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $137
ENERGY Door and Window $80
ENERGY Insulation $2
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5400
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $525

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residential energy savings


Henderson, TX, located in Rusk County, is known for its rich history and Southern charm. Founded in 1843, it thrived as an oil and agricultural hub. The city, named after the first governor of Texas, J. Pinckney Henderson, boasts Victorian-style homes and the annual Syrup Festival, celebrating the region's sugarcane heritage. It's also home to the 1855 Howard-Dickinson House. Henderson's warm community and cultural events keep its small-town spirit alive.

incentives available in Henderson for...
energy icon


Henderson, Texas, has made considerable strides in improving energy efficiency, largely driven by local government initiatives and state-level incentives. The city has adopted energy-efficient building codes and standards, ensuring new construction meets high-performance energy criteria. Local power utilities offer rebate programs to encourage residential and commercial customers to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Solar adoption has been incentivized through rebates and tax credits, leading to a gradual increase in residential and commercial solar panel installations. Energy audits are becoming more common, with several programs offering free or discounted assessments to help property owners identify opportunities to save energy. Additionally, the adoption of LED street lighting has lowered municipal energy costs and reduced carbon emissions. The industrial sector in Henderson has also embraced energy-efficient technologies, including cogeneration systems, which have significantly reduced energy waste. The city's partnership with energy service companies has facilitated the implementation of energy-saving projects across public facilities, leading to sustained reductions in energy consumption. Overall, Henderson's comprehensive approach to energy efficiency continues to show promising results in cost savings and environmental benefits.

energy icon


Water conservation and efficiency in Henderson are top priorities, with the city investing in infrastructure and programs aimed at sustainable water use. A vital aspect of the city's effort is the leak detection and repair program, which minimizes water loss throughout the distribution system. Water-efficient landscaping ordinances encourage the use of native and drought-resistant plants, reducing the need for irrigation. Rebate programs are available for residents and businesses that install water-efficient fixtures and appliances. The city's partnership with agricultural entities promotes the use of efficient irrigation techniques, saving substantial amounts of water in farming operations. Rain barrel and rainwater harvesting incentives encourage residents to collect rainwater for non-potable uses, easing the demand on the municipal water supply. Public education campaigns on water conservation have increased awareness and led to behavior changes that contribute to the city's water-saving goals. The wastewater treatment facilities have undergone upgrades to enhance water recycling capabilities, providing a non-potable water source for industrial and landscape use. These measures, in conjunction with stringent water quality monitoring, ensure Henderson's water resources are managed efficiently and sustainably.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Henderson has progressed through the adoption of various initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and enhancing mobility. The city has invested in improving public transportation infrastructure, providing residents with reliable and eco-friendly alternatives to personal vehicles. Bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths have been expanded to promote active transportation and reduce reliance on motorized transport. A local incentive program encourages the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and the installation of EV charging stations, both in public areas and private residences. Car-sharing services and rideshare programs are supported by the local government as a means to decrease the number of vehicles on the road. The city's fleet management has incorporated hybrid and electric vehicles, leading by example in the shift towards cleaner transportation options. Traffic signal optimization and smart traffic management systems have been employed to ease traffic flow and reduce idle times, contributing to lower emissions. Henderson's commitment to transportation efficiency is evident in its comprehensive, multi-modal approach that embraces technology, policy, and community engagement to foster a more sustainable and accessible transportation system.

energy icon


Waste management efficiency in Henderson has seen substantial improvements through the implementation of robust recycling programs and waste reduction strategies. The city has implemented a single-stream recycling system, simplifying the process for residents and increasing participation rates. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through a variety of incentives, such as waste audit support and recognition programs for sustainable practices. The municipality has also focused on educating the public about proper waste disposal and the environmental benefits of recycling. Community events centered on waste reduction and recycling have fostered a culture of environmental responsibility. Yard waste and composting programs have been expanded, diverting organic materials from landfills and producing valuable compost for landscaping and farming needs. A notable initiative is the electronic waste recycling program, which safely disposes of hazardous materials found in electronic devices. Henderson's efforts in managing hazardous waste have been strengthened by household hazardous waste collection days, preventing improper disposal. The city's waste management policies have been designed to comply with state regulations while aiming to exceed targets for waste diversion and landfill reduction.