
Houghton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Houghton, MI, is a vibrant city located in the Upper Peninsula and known for being the birthplace of professional ice hockey in the US. It's home to Michigan Technological University and is renowned for its beautiful natural surroundings, including Portage Lake and Isle Royale National Park. The city's economy traditionally revolves around education, research, and tourism, with a rich history in copper mining. Every winter, residents celebrate with the famous Winter Carnival, showcasing elaborate ice sculptures and winter sports.

incentives available in Houghton for...
energy icon


In Houghton, MI, efforts to improve energy efficiency are ongoing. The city is supported by initiatives focusing on renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind energy. Local regulations encourage the installation of energy-efficient appliances in homes and businesses. The Houghton Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) works in collaboration with the Michigan Tech University to promote energy-saving practices. The community benefits from utility incentives that offer rebates for energy audits and the implementation of energy-efficient upgrades. There is an increasing trend in adopting LED lighting in public spaces to reduce energy consumption. The residential sector has seen a rise in the use of programmable thermostats, helping homeowners manage heating costs during the cold winters. Insulation improvements are also common, given the harsh climate, to maintain energy efficiency in buildings. The city's commitment to a cleaner energy future also involves the exploration of geothermal heating options. Energy education programs are in place to inform residents about best practices for energy conservation and to encourage the shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

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Houghton, MI, has implemented several measures to ensure water efficiency and sustainability. The city's water treatment facilities employ advanced technologies to deliver clean and safe drinking water to residents while conserving resources. Public education campaigns have been effective in promoting water conservation, emphasizing the importance of fixing leaks and using water-efficient fixtures. The city landscape is designed to facilitate rainwater absorption, reducing runoff and improving groundwater recharge. Incentive programs are in place to encourage the installation of rain barrels and the use of native, drought-resistant plant species in landscaping. Residents are engaged in responsible water usage through tiered pricing structures that encourage conservation. Efforts to protect the local water bodies from pollution are evident through strict industrial discharge regulations and stormwater management initiatives. Houghton's commitment to water conservation is further demonstrated by its investments in infrastructure to prevent water loss through pipe leakages and its active participation in watershed protection programs.

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Transportation in Houghton, MI, has been optimized to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The city promotes the use of public transportation through the Houghton Motor Transit Line, which provides reliable and affordable bus services. Active transportation options are supported with the development of bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, encouraging residents to reduce reliance on cars. The local government has introduced incentives for the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), including the installation of EV charging stations throughout Houghton. Carpooling and ride-sharing are facilitated by online platforms and community initiatives, aiming to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads. The city's location, with its challenging winters, necessitates efficient snow removal practices that maintain safe and accessible transportation routes. Local businesses are encouraged to adopt flexible scheduling and telecommuting policies to reduce peak-hour traffic congestion. Transportation planning in Houghton incorporates future-oriented strategies focusing on sustainable mobility and smart growth principles.

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Waste management in Houghton, MI, has seen significant improvements with a focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The city has implemented a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, metals, and glass. Electronic waste is handled through specific collection events, ensuring hazardous materials are disposed of properly. Organic waste diversion is promoted through community composting programs. Residents and businesses are encouraged to minimize waste by utilizing reusable containers and bags. Local ordinances support recycling goals, with curbside pickup services offering convenient recycling options for households. The city has also invested in public education campaigns to increase awareness about proper waste disposal and the benefits of recycling. Houghton's waste management facilities incorporate sophisticated sorting technologies to maximize recovery of recyclable materials. Businesses are incentivized to adopt waste-reduction practices through potential tax benefits and recognition programs. Zero-waste events are expanding, highlighting the community's commitment to sustainability.