
Lewistown personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $43,930

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $10550
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Lewistown, MT, nestled at the heart of Central Montana, is a charming small town with a population of roughly 5,900 people. It serves as the geographic center of the state. Founded in 1882, the town boasts rich history and is surrounded by five mountain ranges, making it a hub for outdoor activities. Lewistown is known for its well-preserved historical buildings, including the Fergus County Courthouse. The annual Chokecherry Festival highlights its status as the Chokecherry Capital of Montana. The town's economy relies on agriculture, healthcare, and tourism.

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energy icon


Lewistown, MT has been making strides towards improving energy efficiency. The town has incorporated several solar panel installations on public buildings, taking advantage of Montana's significant number of sunny days. Local initiatives encourage residents to conduct energy audits and retrofit their homes with insulation and energy-efficient windows, reducing heating costs, which can be considerable during the cold winters. The municipal power company has offered incentives for customers who install energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting. Small-scale wind energy projects have been proposed to further diversify the local energy mix. The community has also considered the adoption of smart grid technologies to optimize electricity use and reduce waste.

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Water conservation and management in Lewistown are taken seriously due to the semi-arid climate of the region. The town's water treatment plant is updated with modern filtration systems to ensure high-quality drinking water. There are incentives for residents to install low-flow fixtures and drought-resistant landscaping to minimize water usage. The town has implemented smart water metering for more accurate billing and to help identify leaks early. Community programs raise awareness about the importance of conserving water in homes and businesses. Additionally, the town has invested in infrastructure to protect the watershed from pollutants and manage stormwater runoff effectively.

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Transportation efficiency in Lewistown is being improved through various measures. A local shuttle service provides residents with an alternative to private vehicle use, helping to reduce traffic congestion and emissions. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths have been developed, promoting active transportation options. Carpooling is encouraged among residents, and there is support for telecommuting initiatives to decrease the need for commuting. The town's fleet has begun transitioning to hybrid and electric vehicles to lower fuel costs and environmental impact. Efforts are also being made to maintain and upgrade existing transportation infrastructure for safety and efficiency.

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The waste management system in Lewistown prioritizes waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. Recycling programs accept paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals, with drop-off centers located throughout the town. A local composting initiative reduces organic waste and creates valuable soil amendments for gardens and landscaping. The landfill has implemented methane capture technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A hazardous waste collection event occurs annually to ensure proper disposal of items such as electronics and batteries. Educational outreach programs aim to increase public participation in waste reduction and recycling efforts.