Lodi personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Lodi, NJ: A small borough in Bergen County with a diverse population of around 24,000. Founded in 1894, it's known for its residential communities and the original location of the famous Satin Dolls nightclub, which appeared in The Sopranos. Major highways provide easy access to NYC, and Felician University maintains a campus here, contributing to local education. Lodi takes pride in its public schools, parks, and annual events that foster community spirit. Notable for its Italian-American heritage, this town offers an array of cuisines and small businesses.

incentives available in Lodi for...
energy icon


Lodi, NJ has made strides in increasing its energy efficiency, with a significant push towards the adoption of renewable energy sources. The town has introduced incentives for solar panel installations in residential areas, encouraging homeowners to contribute to a greener grid. Many businesses in Lodi have followed suit, taking advantage of commercial tax credits for energy-efficient upgrades. The installation of LED streetlights throughout the town has reduced municipal energy consumption, providing cost savings and lowering the carbon footprint. Lodi's commitment to energy efficiency is further exemplified by its participation in state-wide energy-saving programs which offer resources and support for implementing energy-efficient practices. The local government has also hosted workshops on energy conservation methods, engaging the community in a collective effort to reduce energy use. Furthermore, the introduction of smart grid technologies has improved the management and distribution of electricity, thereby decreasing energy waste.

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Lodi's water efficiency efforts are focused on conserving this vital resource and maintaining the quality of their water supply. The town has upgraded its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water through more efficient piping systems. Water-saving fixtures have been incentivized for both residential and commercial properties. Local landscaping ordinances now encourage xeriscaping and the use of native plants that require less water. Lodi operates a water treatment facility that adheres to strict environmental standards, ensuring that water returned to the ecosystem is clean and safe. The town has also initiated rainwater harvesting programs, offering rebates to property owners who install rain barrels. A public campaign promotes water conservation tips, such as fixing leaks promptly and avoiding excess watering of lawns. These actions reflect Lodi's commitment to sustainable water management and the preservation of this essential resource for future generations.

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Lodi has taken proactive steps to promote transportation efficiency, recognizing the importance of reducing traffic congestion and emissions. The town has invested in expanding and improving its public transportation infrastructure, facilitating access to bus and train services that connect Lodi to larger nearby urban centers. Incentives for carpooling have been established, and bike-sharing programs provide a healthy and eco-friendly alternative for local commuting. Lodi has also started implementing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations around the town, encouraging the adoption of EVs by its residents. Efforts to improve pedestrian walkways have made walking a more viable and safe option. The transportation department regularly assesses traffic flow and has optimized traffic signals to reduce idle times. Additionally, Lodi's encouragement of telecommuting policies and flexible work hours for town employees has contributed to a reduction in peak-time traffic volumes, further enhancing transportation efficiency.

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Lodi has implemented comprehensive waste management policies to minimize waste and promote recycling. The town has expanded its curbside recycling program, making it more convenient for residents to recycle plastics, glass, and paper products. In addition to standard recycling, there is also a focus on electronic waste, with designated e-waste collection events promoting responsible disposal. Lodi's waste management department has introduced educational programs in schools and community centers to raise awareness about the benefits of waste reduction and proper recycling. These initiatives are supported by incentives for businesses that actively participate in waste-reduction strategies, such as minimizing packaging and reusing materials. The town's waste-to-energy plant plays a crucial role in managing waste efficiently, converting a portion of non-recyclable waste into electricity. The plant's modernization has increased its capacity and efficiency, further decreasing the amount of waste sent to landfills.