
London personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $45,235

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $300
ENERGY Electrician $1075
ENERGY Insulation $950
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


London, Ohio, founded in 1811, is the county seat of Madison County. With a population over 10,000, it hosts the annual Madison County Fair and is known for its historical architecture.

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London, Ohio has been progressively adopting measures to enhance energy efficiency within the community. Among these initiatives, the installation of LED street lighting has significantly reduced energy consumption while improving illumination. The city’s encouragement of green building standards in new construction is contributing to lowered energy use through better-insulated structures and energy-efficient appliances. Incentives for solar panel installations have also seen a modest uptake, enabling some residents and businesses to reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources. The municipal power plant has been exploring cogeneration options to optimize energy production. Although there's been progress, further expansion of renewable energy sources and energy conservation programs remain an ongoing goal for the city.

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London has made concerted efforts to preserve water quality and promote water conservation. The city's water treatment facility employs advanced technologies to ensure that the water supply meets safety standards. Infrastructure improvements, such as replacing old pipes, have been key in reducing water loss due to leaks. Rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged among homeowners for garden and lawn irrigation, helping to decrease potable water usage. The city has also implemented water conservation programs, including public education on low-flow fixtures and xeriscaping techniques to maintain landscapes with minimal water usage. Despite these efforts, aging infrastructure remains a challenge, and continuous investments are necessary to maintain the efficiency of the water system.

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Transportation efficiency in London, Ohio is bolstered by its small size, allowing for short commutes and enabling many residents to walk or cycle to their destinations. The city has been working on expanding bike lanes and improving pedestrian paths to support alternative modes of transportation. The public transit system, although limited in scope, has been optimized to serve the most popular routes effectively. There are ongoing discussions about introducing electric buses to reduce emissions. Carpooling is promoted through local initiatives, and there is a growing interest in electric vehicle use, with the city exploring ways to increase the number of public EV charging stations. Efforts to streamline traffic flow through smart traffic management systems are also underway, aiming to reduce congestion and vehicle emissions.

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Waste management in London, Ohio has prioritized diverting waste from landfills through community recycling programs and the promotion of composting. Curbside recycling services are available for residents, accepting a variety of recyclables including plastics, paper, and metals. The city has also been proactive in hosting hazardous waste disposal events, preventing improper disposal of materials that could harm the environment. Commercial waste is being addressed through partnerships with local businesses to optimize waste streams and reduce the overall waste footprint. Educational campaigns have been employed to increase public awareness about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling to minimize waste generation.