Loris personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,580

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Loris, SC, established in 1902, is a charming small town in Horry County known for its annual Loris Bog-Off Festival celebrating chicken bog, a local rice dish. With a population around 2,800, Loris serves as a healthcare hub for northern Horry County, featuring the McLeod Loris Hospital. The town, embracing its Southern culture and community spirit, acts as a gateway to the Grand Strand, a large stretch of beaches on the East Coast, attracting tourists and supporting the local economy.

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energy icon


Loris, SC, has been making strides in improving energy efficiency through various initiatives. The town has started to adopt LED street lighting, reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs. Residential and commercial buildings are incentivized to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Solar installations have seen an uptick, with local government providing information on tax credits for households adopting solar panels. The community is also exploring small-scale wind energy opportunities as a supplementary power source. Energy audits have become more popular, with programs in place to assist homeowners in identifying energy wastage. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in demand response programs that help in reducing peak demand and stabilizing the grid. The municipal buildings are setting an example by utilizing programmable thermostats and upgrading to energy-efficient windows. Efforts are underway to increase public awareness about the importance of energy conservation and the long-term economic benefits of reducing energy usage.

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Water efficiency in Loris, SC, is a priority, with measures in place to protect and conserve this vital resource. The town has invested in upgrading its water infrastructure, repairing old pipes, and reducing leakage. Water-saving appliances are recommended for households, with some rebate programs available for high-efficiency fixtures. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among residents for lawn and garden watering. The local water treatment plant has been upgraded for more efficient operation, ensuring cleaner water and reduced energy use. Smart metering is starting to be adopted to provide real-time water use data, aiding in leak detection and water management. The town also emphasizes the importance of water conservation through education programs in schools and community events. There is a focus on sustainable landscaping practices, encouraging native plantings that require less water. Efforts are continually being made to monitor and protect the local watershed from pollution and overuse.

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Transportation in Loris, SC, is becoming more efficient and sustainable. The town is improving public transportation options with the aim of reducing car dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. Bike lanes and pedestrian pathways are being expanded to encourage alternative forms of transportation. Electric vehicle charging stations are being installed at key locations to support the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The town is exploring partnerships for carpooling and rideshare programs to decrease the number of vehicles on the road. Local fleets are gradually being replaced with more fuel-efficient or electric models. There is an increasing focus on transportation planning that integrates residential and commercial development, minimizing the need for long commutes. Additionally, the town is participating in regional discussions to improve transportation infrastructure and connectivity, thereby enhancing economic growth and mobility for residents.

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Waste management in Loris, SC, has seen improvement through enhanced recycling programs aimed at reducing landfill reliance. The town has implemented single-stream recycling to simplify the process for residents, thereby increasing participation rates. A curbside pickup program for recyclables complements these efforts. Yard waste and composting programs have been set up to divert organic materials from landfills and promote soil health. The local government encourages the adoption of zero-waste practices by conducting workshops and educational campaigns. Businesses are participating in waste audits to optimize their waste streams and implement more sustainable practices. The town has also invested in better waste collection and sorting infrastructure to minimize contamination and improve recycling efficiency. E-waste collection events help safely dispose of electronics, and there's a push toward circular economy principles, where materials are kept in use for as long as possible.