
Madison personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $49,395

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Madison, TN, a suburban neighborhood in Nashville, is known for its diversity, rich musical heritage, and scenic parks. Once a self-contained community, it boasts historic sites like Amqui Station, strong retail growth, and a convenient proximity to downtown Nashville, balancing suburban calm with urban access. Great for families and professionals alike, Madison is a rising star in the Nashville metropolitan area.

incentives available in Madison for...
energy icon


Madison, TN has taken strides in improving energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has encouraged the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, reducing energy consumption significantly. In residential areas, homeowners have received incentives for installing energy-efficient appliances and upgrading insulation. Additionally, local businesses have participated in energy audits, leading to the implementation of more efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Solar panel installations have seen a gradual increase, thanks to generous local and federal tax credits. Madison's commitment to renewable energy is also evident in its support for small-scale wind power projects within the community. The city's partnership with utility companies has also enabled the implementation of smart grid technologies, which optimize electricity distribution and help in reducing peak load pressure on the grid. The city's energy efficiency programs have not only reduced electricity consumption but also lowered utility bills for consumers and contributed to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

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Water efficiency in Madison is a priority, with the city investing in advanced water treatment and conservation strategies. The water infrastructure has been upgraded to reduce leakage and ensure that clean, potable water is delivered efficiently to residents and businesses. Low-flow fixtures and toilets are actively promoted and have been increasingly installed in homes, as well as public and commercial buildings, leading to significant water savings. Rainwater harvesting systems are supported through various incentives, allowing homeowners and businesses to collect and use rainwater for landscaping and non-potable uses. The city also provides educational programs on water conservation, teaching citizens about the importance of preserving this vital resource. Efforts to protect local waterways from pollution are evident in stormwater management practices that include green infrastructure such as bioswales and permeable pavements. Additionally, the city has emphasized the importance of regular water quality monitoring and has engaged the community in watershed protection initiatives.

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Madison, TN has advanced its transportation efficiency with several initiatives aimed at reducing congestion and fostering sustainable travel. Public transportation options have been expanded, with the city investing in cleaner, more energy-efficient buses and increasing service routes and frequencies. Bike lanes and shared-use paths have been developed to encourage cycling, and the city has promoted bike-sharing programs to enhance mobility while reducing carbon emissions. Madison also supports carpooling and ride-sharing services, providing incentives like preferential parking for high-occupancy vehicles. Efforts have been made to integrate transportation planning with land use, creating walkable communities that reduce the need for vehicular travel. The introduction of electric vehicle charging stations has accelerated, making it more convenient for residents to own and operate electric vehicles. The city has also embraced technology solutions such as real-time traffic monitoring systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce travel times.

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Madison has taken significant steps to improve waste management and reduce landfill dependency. The city has implemented a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials, including plastics, paper, metal, and glass. Curbside recycling services have been enhanced, leading to increased recycling rates among households. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through a 'Zero Waste to Landfill' initiative, which includes waste audits and employee education on waste reduction practices. Organic waste collection for composting has become more prevalent, diverting food scraps and yard waste from landfills. The city also hosts hazardous waste disposal events to safely manage items like batteries, electronics, and paint. Moreover, Madison has invested in modern waste sorting facilities that are designed to recover recyclables from the general waste stream. The local government has also been working on policies aimed at reducing single-use plastics, encouraging the use of reusable bags and containers.