
Marlin personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Marlin, Texas, established in 1851, is known for its healing mineral waters, earning the nickname "The Hot Mineral Water City of Texas." As the county seat of Falls County, Marlin played a pivotal role in the early 1900s as a premier health resort destination, drawing visitors seeking therapeutic benefits. The famous mineral water is even alleged to have been the preference of President Theodore Roosevelt. Today, Marlin takes pride in its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and the landmark Falls County Courthouse, an example of classic revival architecture from 1939. Despite its small size, with a population around 6,000, Marlin maintains its charm and continues to celebrate its unique heritage through annual events and community pride.

incentives available in Marlin for...
energy icon


Marlin, Texas has recently embarked on initiatives to enhance its energy efficiency. The city has adopted solar panel installations on public buildings, harnessing Texas's ample sunshine to generate clean energy. They've incentivized residential and commercial solar panel installations by offering tax rebates, promoting sustainable energy practices among the local population. Marlin's updated building codes now require improved insulation standards, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. The city has also seen a rise in LED streetlight installations, which consume significantly less energy than traditional lighting. Furthermore, local businesses are encouraged to participate in energy audit programs, leading to more energy-efficient operations. Marlin has made strides in adopting energy management systems for water treatment facilities, ensuring optimized energy usage for water services.

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Water conservation and efficiency in Marlin, Texas have seen notable improvements due to proactive measures. The city has modernized its water infrastructure by repairing old pipelines to reduce leakage and water loss. Innovative water metering technology has been installed to provide accurate usage data and to detect leaks promptly. Marlin encourages the use of drought-resistant plants in landscaping through educational campaigns and local nurseries, minimizing the need for watering. Rainwater harvesting systems are incentivized for both residential and commercial properties, allowing rainwater to be used for non-potable purposes. The city has established a tiered water pricing structure to encourage conservation, where high usage comes at a higher cost. Additionally, wastewater treatment processes have been upgraded to recapture and reuse water for industrial and irrigation purposes, thus limiting freshwater extraction from local sources.

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Transportation efficiency in Marlin, Texas has advanced with several programs aimed at reducing traffic congestion and pollutant emissions. The city has improved public transit by upgrading bus fleets to more energy-efficient models and optimizing routes to serve the community better. Marlin supports carpooling initiatives, providing designated parking areas for carpool participants. Bicycle-friendly policies, including the addition of bike lanes and bike-share programs, have been established to foster alternative modes of commuting. Local businesses are encouraged to offer telecommuting options to employees, reducing the number of vehicles on the road during peak hours. Marlin has installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations around the city to support the adoption of EVs by residents. The city's transportation planning also focuses on 'complete streets' that accommodate pedestrians and cyclists safely, promoting a shift towards healthier and more sustainable transportation options.

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The waste management policies in Marlin, Texas have taken an innovative turn towards sustainability. The city has implemented comprehensive recycling programs targeting paper, plastics, glass, and metals, encouraging residents to reduce landfill waste. Marlin offers curbside recycling services and has placed recycling bins in public spaces, facilitating easy disposal and collection. Special emphasis is placed on electronic waste, and the city organizes regular e-waste collection drives to safely process such items. Local businesses are provided with guidance and resources for waste reduction and are recognized publicly for their sustainable waste practices. The city's waste-to-energy plant converts non-recyclable waste into electricity, adding a layer of efficiency to waste management. Marlin has also introduced an organic waste composting program that has reduced the volume of waste sent to landfills and created natural fertilizer for local gardens and landscaping.