
Mason personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $41,980

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4400
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $300
ENERGY Electrician $1025
ENERGY Insulation $300
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Mason, OH, a thriving suburb of Cincinnati, is known for its excellent schools, booming economy, and attractions like Kings Island amusement park. With a population of over 33,000, it's a family-friendly city boasting a high quality of life, numerous parks, and a strong sense of community. Home to major employers like Procter & Gamble, Mason continues to attract businesses and residents alike.

incentives available in Mason for...
energy icon


Mason, OH has made significant strides towards improving energy efficiency in recent years. The city has implemented a comprehensive energy management plan that includes upgrades to municipal buildings, resulting in reduced energy consumption. LED streetlight conversion projects have been completed, greatly decreasing energy use and maintenance costs. The promotion of renewable energy sources is evident through the installation of solar panels on public buildings and incentives provided for residential solar power systems. A partnership with energy experts has facilitated energy audits and retrofits for homes and businesses, leading to increased energy savings. These initiatives are complemented by educational programs that aim to inform citizens about the benefits of energy conservation and how to implement energy-saving measures in their own homes. The city has also introduced smart grid technology to improve the management of the electric system and reduce outages. Energy efficiency grants and rebates have been leveraged to encourage local businesses to invest in energy-efficient equipment and practices. Public facilities have adopted high-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC), improving comfort while lowering energy costs. Energy performance contracting is another strategy the city has used to finance energy upgrades in municipal operations without upfront costs. Mason's efforts to enhance energy efficiency also extend to encouraging sustainable building practices through zoning and building codes that require or incentivize energy-efficient designs.

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Mason, OH has been at the forefront of ensuring water efficiency and sustainable water management. The city has upgraded its water treatment facility to enhance the efficiency of water purification and distribution, ensuring that residents have access to clean and safe drinking water. Water conservation programs have been introduced, including incentives for residents to install low-flow toilets and fixtures that reduce water usage. The city has implemented a tiered water pricing structure, which encourages conservation by charging higher rates for higher usage levels. Mason's stormwater management practices aim to minimize runoff and pollution, with investments in green infrastructure such as rain gardens and permeable pavements. The city also offers rain barrel programs to encourage rainwater harvesting for irrigation purposes, reducing the demand for treated water. Educational outreach programs are held to create awareness about the importance of water conservation and protecting water resources. The maintenance of the city's water distribution system has been proactive, with regular upgrades and replacements of aging pipes to prevent leaks and ensure efficient delivery. Residents are provided with tips on detecting household leaks and repairing them promptly, further conserving water. The city's landscaping ordinances promote the use of native, drought-resistant plants that require less water. These initiatives, combined with comprehensive water quality monitoring and protection efforts, showcase Mason's commitment to maintaining a sustainable and resilient water system for the community.

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In Mason, OH, transportation efficiency has been a key focus, with efforts to improve the connectivity and sustainability of the city's transport network. The city has expanded its public transportation services, offering efficient and regular bus routes that connect residents to key destinations while reducing traffic congestion and vehicle emissions. Investments have been made in cycling infrastructure, including dedicated bike lanes and secure bike parking, to encourage more residents to cycle for short trips. Mason has a comprehensive pedestrian plan that includes well-maintained sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals, making walking a safer and more attractive option. The city promotes ride-sharing and carpooling programs to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Electric vehicle charging stations have been installed in public parking areas to support the growing number of EV owners and promote the use of cleaner vehicles. A telecommuting policy for city employees has reduced the need for daily commuting, decreasing traffic during peak hours. The city has also engaged in smart traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce idling. Mason's road maintenance program ensures that roadways are in good condition, which improves fuel efficiency for vehicles. Public transport vehicles are being upgraded to more fuel-efficient and lower-emission models. The city's long-term transportation planning emphasizes multimodal connectivity and sustainable transport options, aiming to provide residents with convenient, eco-friendly transportation alternatives.

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Mason, OH has taken proactive measures to increase waste efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of waste. The city has introduced a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, reducing landfill usage and promoting resource conservation. The adoption of single-stream recycling has simplified the process for residents, leading to higher participation rates. A robust yard waste collection and composting program turns organic waste into valuable compost for landscaping and gardening purposes. The city regularly hosts e-waste recycling events to safely dispose of electronic waste and prevent hazardous materials from contaminating the environment. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through waste audits and the adoption of waste reduction practices. A local hazardous waste collection facility provides a safe option for disposing of items such as paints, solvents, and batteries. The city has also invested in a modern waste collection fleet that is more fuel-efficient and produces lower emissions, which contributes to cleaner air. Mason's public education campaigns focus on waste reduction techniques, the importance of recycling, and the environmental benefits of a circular economy. Additionally, the city has ordinances in place that encourage or mandate recycling and waste separation at the source in both residential and commercial sectors. These integrated waste management strategies have led to a more sustainable approach to handling the city’s waste and promoting a cleaner environment for future generations.