
Massillon personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Massillon, OH, founded in 1868 and located along the Tuscarawas River, is renowned for its rich football heritage, including the Paul Brown Museum. With a population of about 32,000, the city supports a blend of industry and community life, hosting annual events like the Massillon Tiger Swing Band and the Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival in nearby Canton. It also boasts the historic Lincoln Theatre and Massillon Museum, enhancing its cultural landscape.

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energy icon


In Massillon, OH, the energy landscape is characterized by a diverse mix of traditional and renewable energy sources. Efforts have been made to upgrade the energy grid to be more resilient and capable of integrating renewable energies. The local government has offered incentives for residential and commercial solar panel installations, leading to a moderate increase in solar adoption among homeowners and businesses. The city has also seen a surge in energy efficiency upgrades in public buildings, with the installation of LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems. Massillon has invested in smart grid technology to optimize energy distribution and reduce losses. Energy audits are actively promoted through local programs, encouraging citizens to identify and rectify energy inefficiencies within their homes and workplaces. The utility companies provide rebates for energy-efficient appliances and have introduced time-of-use rates to encourage off-peak usage. Massillon’s industrial sector has begun to adopt more energy-efficient practices, reducing overall energy consumption and lowering operational costs.

energy icon


Massillon, OH has a comprehensive water management strategy that focuses on water conservation, water quality, and sustainable usage. The city operates a modern water treatment facility, ensuring that the water supply meets or exceeds state and federal quality standards. Stormwater management practices have been enhanced to reduce pollution run-off into local waterways. Residents are encouraged to install water-efficient fixtures, with some programs providing rebates for such upgrades. Rain barrel distributions and rain garden installations are supported to help capture and reuse stormwater. Water audits are available to help businesses identify ways to conserve water, and educational programs aimed at reducing water waste have been implemented in schools. Massillon has invested in infrastructure to fix leaking pipes and reduce water loss. The agricultural sector in the surrounding area practices water-efficient irrigation techniques to minimize water consumption.

energy icon


Transportation in Massillon, OH has seen improvements aimed at enhancing efficiency and reducing environmental impact. Public transportation options include a local bus service that connects key areas of the city, and efforts have been made to increase the punctuality and reliability of these services. Bike lanes and walking paths have been expanded to encourage non-motorized transport and to make the city more pedestrian-friendly. Massillon promotes carpooling and ride-sharing initiatives to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure has been installed at strategic locations, and incentives are offered for EV purchases. The city is also exploring the feasibility of transitioning municipal vehicles to alternative fuels. Freight transport companies operating in the area have been encouraged to use fuel-efficient vehicles, and logistics optimization has reduced the environmental footprint of goods movement. Massillon's approach to transportation is a holistic one that balances the needs of a growing economy with environmental stewardship.

energy icon


Waste management in Massillon, OH emphasizes reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. A curbside recycling program accepts a wide range of recyclable materials, and the city has implemented a single-stream recycling system to simplify the process for residents. To promote waste reduction, local ordinances support composting initiatives, and a yard waste collection program operates seasonally. Massillon has increased community awareness about the impacts of waste through educational campaigns and by hosting recycle days for electronics and hazardous household waste. Several local businesses have adopted zero-waste policies and participate in materials recovery efforts. The city also supports the establishment of businesses specializing in repurposing recovered materials. Waste-to-energy technologies are under consideration as part of long-term waste management strategies. The landfill diversion rate has shown improvement, reflecting the community's commitment to more efficient waste practices.