Map/New Jersey/Moorestown

Moorestown personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Moorestown, NJ, is a historic town established in 1682. Known for its picturesque Main Street, it has been voted one of the best places to live in America. Its proximity to Philadelphia combined with a strong community feel and top-rated schools make it a sought-after suburb. Notable for its Quaker heritage and vibrant local economy, Moorestown boasts a rich cultural scene, beautiful parks, and is the headquarters for several major companies.

incentives available in Moorestown for...
energy icon


In Moorestown, NJ, energy efficiency has been a growing priority, with various initiatives fostering a greener community. The local government has incentivized the adoption of renewable energy sources by providing rebates and tax incentives for solar panel installations. Homeowners and businesses have gradually embraced solar power, contributing to a growing percentage of municipally-used renewable energy. Energy-efficient building codes have been implemented to ensure new constructions meet high standards of insulation and energy use. Additionally, the town promotes the use of energy-efficient LED streetlights, which have been replacing older, less efficient lighting systems. Moorestown's commitment to reducing energy consumption is also evident in its support for the Energy Star program, encouraging residents to choose appliances that operate more efficiently. The community has engaged in educational campaigns to increase awareness regarding the importance of energy conservation, which includes promoting smart thermostats and energy audits for homes and businesses to maximize efficiency.

energy icon


Moorestown, NJ has taken significant strides in water efficiency, with a focus on conservation and sustainable management of local water resources. The town has invested in modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water, which includes upgrading pipes and implementing smart metering systems that detect irregular usage patterns indicative of leaks. Rain barrel programs have been promoted, allowing residents to collect rainwater for non-potable uses like landscaping and gardening. Water-wise landscaping workshops have been popular among homeowners, teaching them how to create gardens that require minimal irrigation. Moorestown operates under a comprehensive water conservation ordinance, restricting excessive water use during peak demand periods, such as summer months. Low-flow fixtures are becoming more common in public buildings and homes, supported by rebate programs for water-efficient appliances. The town has also worked on stormwater management, establishing rain gardens and permeable pavements to reduce runoff and protect water quality in local streams and lakes.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Moorestown, NJ has been enhanced through a variety of programs and initiatives. The town has promoted the use of public transportation by improving the accessibility and convenience of its bus services, with routes connecting to key areas within and outside of Moorestown. Bike-sharing programs and the development of bike lanes have encouraged cycling as a sustainable alternative to car use. Carpooling is supported through local initiatives, and several commuter parking lots are designated to facilitate ride-sharing options. Moorestown has also seen an increase in electric vehicle (EV) usage, with public EV charging stations installed in strategic locations to serve residents and visitors. To alleviate congestion and reduce emissions, the town has implemented traffic flow optimization measures, including smart traffic signals that adapt to real-time traffic conditions. Moreover, the municipality has engaged in regional partnerships to explore the feasibility of future transportation innovations, such as expanded rail services or autonomous vehicle routes.

energy icon


Waste management in Moorestown, NJ has been structured around reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to minimize the town's ecological footprint. The curbside recycling program accepts a broad range of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals, which are processed at a local recycling facility. The town has established stringent recycling ordinances that require businesses and residents to properly sort their waste, with the goal of diverting as much as possible from landfills. Moorestown has also introduced a yard waste collection program, turning organic waste into compost that is available to residents for gardening, thereby closing the loop on organic material usage. Electronic waste recycling events are held periodically to safely dispose of hazardous materials found in electronic devices. Additionally, the municipality encourages the use of reusable bags and containers, with several local retailers offering incentives for customers who avoid single-use plastics. The town has further explored the installation of smart waste management systems to optimize collection routes and reduce emissions from waste collection vehicles.