Map/New Jersey/Neptune

Neptune personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Neptune, NJ, known for its proximity to the Jersey Shore, is a township in Monmouth County with a population of approximately 28,000. Established in 1879, it boasts scenic beaches, a diverse community, and is home to the popular Shark River Park. The township's economy thrives on tourism, healthcare, and retail sectors. Neptune's educational system is anchored by Neptune High School, recognized for its performing arts programs. Seasonal events like the Neptune Fall Harvest Festival highlight the township's strong community spirit.

incentives available in Neptune for...
energy icon


Neptune, NJ has made significant strides in improving energy efficiency in recent years. The township has implemented several solar panel installations on public buildings, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Incentives for residents to adopt solar energy have led to increased solar panel installations on residential properties. The local government also promotes energy-efficient appliances and lighting through educational programs and rebates. With the adoption of smart grid technologies, there is improved management of electricity demand and enhanced resilience of the energy system. The municipality has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with measures such as upgrading HVAC systems in public facilities to more energy-efficient ones. Neptune has also seen growth in the electric vehicle market, with the municipality adding more charging stations to encourage this transition. Participation in statewide initiatives, like New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, provides further financial incentives for residents and businesses to pursue energy-efficient improvements.

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In Neptune, water efficiency is of paramount importance due to its coastal location. Robust water conservation measures have been implemented to protect the local aquifer and reduce water waste. Residential water audits are encouraged, with the municipality offering resources to help homeowners identify and address leaks and inefficient fixtures. The township has also invested in water infrastructure, replacing old pipes and adopting innovative technologies to reduce water loss during distribution. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among property owners as a way to reduce reliance on the municipal water supply, especially for landscaping purposes. Neptune's local government has set stringent water quality standards, ensuring that both consumption and discharge do not harm the environment. Public campaigns stress the importance of water conservation, and educational outreach programs in schools aim to inculcate water-saving habits from an early age. Rebates and incentives for water-efficient appliances are also part of the water saving initiatives.

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Transportation in Neptune has progressively become more efficient with the township investing in a variety of initiatives. Public transportation options have been expanded, with increased bus services and improvements in scheduling to make it a more convenient option for residents. A local bike-sharing program has been introduced, encouraging non-motorized forms of transportation, which helps in reducing traffic congestion and lowering emissions. Neptune’s pedestrian infrastructure has also been upgraded, with more crosswalks and safer pathways to support walking as a viable mode of transport. Efforts have been made to synchronize traffic signals and manage traffic flow more effectively, thus reducing idle times and emissions. The municipality has focused on creating a network of electric vehicle charging stations, providing incentives for electric vehicle ownership. Neptune has engaged in regional transportation planning to improve connectivity and reduce the carbon footprint of commuting. Through these varied approaches, Neptune is enhancing transportation efficiency and promoting eco-friendly travel options.

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Neptune is actively working on improving waste management and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. The township has emphasized recycling and composting efforts, providing comprehensive curbside collection for a variety of recyclable materials. Public education campaigns have been key in encouraging residents to sort their waste correctly to avoid contamination. The municipality has also introduced a robust hazardous waste disposal program to prevent improper disposal of items such as electronics, batteries, and chemicals. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through incentives for adopting sustainable practices. Additionally, Neptune has implemented a single-use plastics ban to reduce environmental impact. The local government has also considered the benefits of a pay-as-you-throw program to incentivize waste reduction at the source. Through these efforts, Neptune aims to not only decrease landfill dependency but also to promote a circular economy.