Map/Washington/North Bend

North Bend personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $59,397

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $890
ENERGY Plumbing $75
ENERGY Electrician $67
ENERGY Door and Window $1500
ENERGY Insulation $1150
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $12650
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

North Bend

North Bend, WA, nestled in the scenic Snoqualmie Valley, is known for its breathtaking views of Mt. Si, vibrant outdoor recreation, and as the backdrop for TV's "Twin Peaks." It offers hiking, biking, and fishing, and celebrates local history at the Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum. With a population over 7,000, it's a quaint, growing community steeped in Pacific Northwest charm.

incentives available in North Bend for...
energy icon


In North Bend, WA, substantial progress has been made in promoting energy efficiency through various initiatives. Notable among them is the adoption of green building standards, encouraging the construction of homes and offices that are LEED certified or meet other eco-friendly benchmarks. The city has also implemented incentive programs for the installation of solar panels on residential and commercial properties, providing tax credits and rebates to participants. In addition, North Bend's utility providers offer an opt-in program for customers to purchase renewable energy certificates, supporting the growth of renewable energy generation in the region. The community has seen an increase in energy-efficient LED street lighting, which has reduced municipal energy consumption. The city's concerted efforts to improve home energy audits and retrofit older buildings with insulation and energy-efficient appliances have also contributed to decreased energy use citywide.

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Water conservation in North Bend is a priority, with initiatives aimed at safeguarding the area's water resources. The city has modernized its water infrastructure to minimize leakages and manage water supply effectively. Residents benefit from water-saving programs such as rebates for installing low-flow fixtures and smart irrigation systems. The city has enacted landscape ordinances that promote xeriscaping and the use of native, drought-resistant plants, thus reducing the need for irrigation. Water metering has been widely adopted, allowing for accurate measurement and billing, which incentivizes conservation. Rainwater harvesting systems are more prevalent across the city, and conservation education is provided to school students and the wider community. North Bend's water utility maintains rigorous standards for water quality and treatment, ensuring that conservation efforts do not compromise the safety and purity of the water supply.

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Transportation efficiency in North Bend has been enhanced through several measures designed to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. The city has expanded its network of bicycle lanes, making cycling a safer and more attractive option for residents. Investments have been made to improve the public transit system, with more frequent bus services and maintained routes that connect commuters to nearby transit hubs. There is a growing network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, encouraging the adoption of EVs by residents. North Bend has also introduced car-sharing programs and incentives for carpooling to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Additionally, the city has started initiatives to promote remote work, reducing the need for daily commutes. The transportation planning also reflects a commitment to walkability, with the development of pedestrian-friendly zones and the maintenance of public pathways.

energy icon


Waste management in North Bend has seen significant improvements with a focus on reducing landfill waste through comprehensive recycling and composting programs. Residents are encouraged to separate organic waste from recyclables and non-recyclables, with the city providing curbside compost collection services. This has led to a marked decrease in the volume of waste sent to landfills. North Bend has implemented strict recycling regulations and hosts frequent hazardous waste disposal events to prevent improper disposal. The city's investment in public education campaigns detailing how to reduce, reuse, and recycle has led to increased participation in sustainable waste practices. Businesses are encouraged to adopt waste reduction practices with the assistance of city-sponsored waste audit services. Moreover, the community has embraced zero-waste events and local businesses are often incentivized to use compostable or recyclable packaging materials.