Map/Florida/North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach, FL, is a vibrant city nestled in Miami-Dade County, renowned for its multicultural community and scenic waterways. Boasting a population of about 42,000, it features the Oleta River State Park—Florida's largest urban park—and is home to the Ancient Spanish Monastery, which dates back to the 12th century. This coastal city offers diverse dining options, shopping centers, and access to beautiful beaches, making it a hub for tourists and residents seeking a blend of history, recreation, and modern amenities.

incentives available in North Miami Beach for...
energy icon


North Miami Beach is progressively evolving its energy efficiency, with a significant emphasis on renewable energy sources. The city has installed solar panels on various public buildings, embracing Florida's abundant sunshine to generate clean energy. Local initiatives encourage homeowners and businesses to retrofit their properties with energy-efficient appliances and lighting, which has been met with positive community response. The city's building codes have been updated to incorporate energy conservation measures, ensuring that new constructions are more energy-efficient. Incentive programs offer rebates for residents who install energy-saving devices. Public buildings follow strict guidelines to reduce consumption, and energy audits are more frequently conducted to identify further savings. Education campaigns are organized to increase awareness of energy conservation methods among residents, leading to a reduction in overall energy demand. Through these collective efforts, North Miami Beach is steadily reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable energy practices.

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Water efficiency in North Miami Beach is a top priority, with numerous measures in place to safeguard this vital resource. The city has invested in upgrading its water infrastructure to prevent leaks and reduce water loss, ensuring more water reaches the end-users with less waste. Smart water meters have been installed in many areas, providing residents with real-time data on their water usage and helping to detect leaks promptly. Residents and businesses alike are encouraged through rebate programs to adopt water-saving appliances and fixtures. The local government has implemented strict irrigation schedules to optimize water use for landscaping purposes, and the promotion of native, drought-resistant plants has reduced the need for watering. Rainwater harvesting systems are gaining popularity, supported by educational workshops on installation and benefits. Water conservation is actively promoted in schools and community events, fostering a culture of responsibility and efficiency. These initiatives have contributed to a decrease in per capita water consumption and have enhanced the overall sustainability of the city's water management system.

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Transportation efficiency in North Miami Beach has been on the rise, with a focus on reducing traffic congestion and promoting eco-friendly transit options. The city has expanded its network of bike lanes, making cycling a safer and more attractive option for residents. Public transportation has seen improvements with the introduction of more frequent bus services and better route coverage. Initiatives such as carpool programs and ride-sharing apps have been supported by the city to lessen the number of vehicles on the road, leading to improved air quality and reduced carbon emissions. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in strategic locations, providing infrastructure for the growing number of EV users. Efforts are also underway to enhance pedestrian walkways, encouraging walking as a healthy and zero-emission mode of transport. The city's transportation department actively collaborates with regional agencies to synchronize efforts and create a comprehensive and efficient transportation network. These measures collectively contribute to a more sustainable and less congested transportation system in North Miami Beach.

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North Miami Beach is dedicated to improving waste management efficiency through enhanced recycling programs, waste reduction strategies, and community education. Curbside recycling services have been revamped to include a broader range of recyclable materials, and residents are encouraged to participate through easy-to-follow guidelines. Bulk waste collection is systematically managed to keep the city clean and reduce environmental hazards. The city has initiated 'zero waste' events and promotes composting, both residentially and in community gardens, thereby diverting organic waste from landfills. Electronic waste collection points have been established to safely dispose of electronic items, preventing harmful substances from polluting the environment. Local businesses are incentivized to adopt sustainable packaging and reduce single-use plastics. The waste management department maintains an active presence online, providing resources and feedback to residents on how to minimize waste, leading to a noticeable improvement in waste diversion rates. As a result, landfill usage has seen a decrease, signaling progress towards waste efficiency goals.