
Novato personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $47,265

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $17000
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Novato, CA, located in Marin County, is known for its scenic landscapes, including Mount Burdell and the Stafford Lake Park. With a population of around 55,000, this close-knit community maintains a small-town charm while being within reach of San Francisco Bay's amenities. The city boasts a rich history, reflected in sites like Olompali State Historic Park and the Novato History Museum. Its vibrant economy is supported by biotech firms, retail centers, and technology companies. Novato celebrates a variety of cultural events, such as the annual Art, Wine and Music Festival, and is recognized for its commitment to environmental sustainability and quality public schools.

incentives available in Novato for...
energy icon


Novato, CA, embraces efficiency and clean energy initiatives. A significant portion of the city's electricity supply comes from renewable sources, thanks to Marin Clean Energy, which provides residents with options for more renewable content. Incentives for solar panel installations exist for both residential and commercial properties, which has led to a noticeable increase in solar adoption. Energy efficiency retrofit programs are available, offering assessments and rebates for home and business owners committed to reducing energy consumption. The city has also invested in energy-efficient public lighting and encourages the use of energy-saving appliances through various educational programs and rebates.

energy icon


Water conservation in Novato is a priority, given California's drought-prone climate. The Novato Sanitary District operates an efficient water reclamation facility, which processes and repurposes wastewater for non-potable uses, such as landscaping irrigation. There's a strong emphasis on water-efficient landscaping, and residents are encouraged to use drought-resistant native plants. Rebate programs for water-efficient appliances and fixtures are available to residents, and the city conducts water waste patrols to enforce water-saving measures. Public education campaigns on water conservation techniques are ongoing. Rainwater collection systems are promoted among homeowners for garden irrigation.

energy icon


Novato aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging sustainable transportation. The city has a well-maintained network of bike lanes, promoting cycling as a viable and eco-friendly commuting option. Public transportation is highlighted as an essential service, with regional transit systems providing connections to the surrounding Bay Area. The city supports the use of electric vehicles (EVs) through incentives such as rebates for EV purchase and the installation of charging stations in public and private locations. Carpooling is encouraged, and the city has implemented ride-share programs to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road.

energy icon


Waste management in Novato is proactive with a robust recycling and composting program. The city's waste reduction efforts include mandatory recycling for businesses and multi-family homes, ensuring that a significant amount of material is diverted from landfills. The city has also implemented a food scrap composting program, which reduces methane emissions from organic waste. Residents are educated on proper disposal methods, reducing contamination in recycling bins. Novato also promotes zero-waste events and supports local businesses in minimizing packaging waste. There are also drop-off locations for household hazardous waste, ensuring safe disposal and reducing environmental contamination.