Map/New Jersey/Phillipsburg

Phillipsburg personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Phillipsburg, NJ, is a historic town situated at the confluence of the Delaware River and Lehigh Valley. Established in 1861, it boasts a rich industrial past, with the railroad playing a central role in its development. The town is renowned for its scenic train rides and the annual Ole Towne Festival. Its strategic location has made it a key transportation hub. Phillipsburg also offers outdoor recreational activities and has a vibrant community that celebrates its heritage and looks towards a dynamic future.

incentives available in Phillipsburg for...
energy icon


In Phillipsburg, NJ, ongoing efforts have been made to enhance energy efficiency across residential, commercial, and municipal sectors. The town has seen increased adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, reducing electricity consumption significantly. Local incentives encourage homeowners to install solar panels, with the results being evident in the growing number of photovoltaic systems visible on rooftops. Energy audits have become more prevalent, with many residents taking advantage of utility company programs designed to identify and rectify energy inefficiencies in homes and businesses. Additionally, there has been a push for the upgrade of HVAC systems in public buildings to more efficient models, funded partially through state grants. To support sustainability, the local government has explored partnerships for renewable energy projects, including potential solar farms on unused municipal land. The commitment to energy efficiency is also reflected in the community's participation in state-led clean energy initiatives, striving to meet ambitious carbon reduction goals.

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Phillipsburg's approach to water conservation and management reflects an understanding of the critical importance of this resource. The town has invested in modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water, with regular checks on aging pipes and proactive replacements. Rebate programs are available for residents who install water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Rainwater harvesting is actively promoted through public educational campaigns, encouraging the installation of rain barrels for garden watering. The local government has also implemented smart metering systems for water usage, providing accurate data for better management and billing. The town has enacted water-saving landscaping ordinances that favor drought-resistant native plants. Water treatment facilities have seen upgrades to improve efficiency and ensure clean water supply. Additionally, Phillipsburg businesses are incentivized to reduce water consumption with potential tax credits and recognition programs for those demonstrating significant water savings.

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Phillipsburg has focused on improving transportation efficiency by promoting a range of initiatives. The town has expanded its network of bike lanes, making cycling a safer and more viable option for residents. Public transportation has been bolstered through the addition of new, more fuel-efficient buses to the local fleet, offering a greener alternative to private vehicles. Carpooling is strongly supported, with dedicated parking areas for carpool users and an active campaign to match riders. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in several key areas, with plans to increase this number, thereby encouraging the uptake of EVs. The local government has also worked to streamline traffic flow with the implementation of smart traffic management systems, reducing congestion and emissions. Through the adoption of these and other measures, like timed traffic lights and regular maintenance of transportation infrastructure, Phillipsburg aims to reduce its carbon footprint while enhancing the efficiency and convenience of its transportation systems.

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Phillipsburg has implemented structured waste management strategies to minimize environmental impact. The town promotes robust recycling programs, ensuring that materials like plastics, paper, glass, and metals are properly sorted and recycled, thus diverting significant waste from landfills. Special e-waste collection days have been established to safely dispose of electronic waste. Residents are encouraged through educational programs to reduce and reuse, with local schools participating in zero-waste lunch challenges. The town has instituted a composting program that not only reduces the amount of organic waste sent to landfills but also provides compost for community gardens. A local hazardous waste collection program prevents improper disposal of substances that could contaminate soil and water. With incentives for businesses that adopt sustainable waste practices, Phillipsburg is seeing a gradual increase in corporate responsibility towards waste reduction. Moreover, the town has invested in better waste collection infrastructure, such as more efficient garbage trucks, to lower emissions and improve waste collection.