Map/Michigan/Port Huron

Port Huron personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings

Port Huron

Port Huron, MI, known as the Maritime Capital of the Great Lakes, nestles at Lake Huron's southern tip. It boasts the iconic Blue Water Bridge, vibrant boating culture, and historic Fort Gratiot Lighthouse. Its bustling downtown offers dining, shopping, and the fascinating Museum of Arts and History. The city also hosts the annual Port Huron-to-Mackinac Sailboat Race, which draws sailors and spectators alike. With scenic lakeshore parks and resorts, Port Huron is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and a gateway to Canada.

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energy icon


Port Huron, Michigan, has taken strides to improve its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has focused on updating its infrastructure by adopting LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption. Efforts to support renewable energy generation have increased, with local businesses and homes adopting solar panel installations partially subsidized by state incentives. Port Huron's participation in energy efficiency programs offered by utility companies, such as DTE Energy's 'Energy Efficiency Assistance Program', helps low-income households to improve their energy usage. The municipality has also encouraged energy audits for residents and business owners to identify ways to save energy. Buildings are being retrofitted with improved insulation and energy-efficient appliances, supported by energy-efficiency grants. The city's planning for the future includes strategies to enhance resilience against power outages through the exploration of microgrids and battery storage solutions.

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Water efficiency in Port Huron is a top priority due to its proximity to the Great Lakes. The city's water treatment facility utilizes advanced technology to ensure a clean water supply while focusing on reducing water loss through leak detection and repair programs. Port Huron promotes water conservation through public outreach programs and the use of water-saving fixtures in public buildings. Incentives for residents to install low-flow toilets and showerheads have been effective in reducing overall water consumption. The city has also invested in green infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff, including rain gardens and permeable pavements. These efforts help to protect the St. Clair River and Lake Huron from pollution and excess stormwater inundation. Furthermore, the installation of smart metering for water use helps in precise monitoring and billing, which incentivizes conservation among users.

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Port Huron is enhancing transportation efficiency through improvements to its public transit system, Blue Water Area Transit (BWAT). BWAT has expanded its fleet with energy-efficient buses, including those powered by cleaner fuels, to reduce emissions. The city promotes the use of public transportation through reliable service and real-time tracking apps for convenience. Bike-sharing programs and installation of bike lanes have been part of Port Huron's efforts to encourage non-motorized transportation. The city has also been improving pedestrian infrastructure to ensure safe and accessible walkways. For personal vehicles, there are incentives, such as electric vehicle (EV) tax credits, to promote the purchase of EVs, and the city is working on increasing the availability of EV charging stations. Port Huron aims to reduce traffic congestion by optimizing traffic signals and encouraging carpooling through local initiatives.

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Port Huron's waste management system aims to minimize landfill use and encourage recycling. The city has implemented a robust curbside recycling program that accepts a variety of materials. Residents are encouraged to participate in the program through educational campaigns and easy-to-use single-stream recycling bins. Electronic waste recycling events are held periodically to properly dispose of e-waste. The city has also initiated composting programs to deal with organic waste and is working on expanding these services to manage more types of biodegradable waste. Port Huron has strict regulations for businesses to manage hazardous waste responsibly. In partnership with St. Clair County, the city hosts annual household hazardous waste collection days to safely dispose of items like paints, chemicals, and batteries. The active promotion of the 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' philosophy is evident in community events and local school education programs.