Map/Washington/Port Orchard

Port Orchard personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $59,397

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $890
ENERGY Plumbing $75
ENERGY Electrician $67
ENERGY Door and Window $1500
ENERGY Insulation $1150
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $12650
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Port Orchard

Port Orchard, WA, is a charming waterfront community situated on the Kitsap Peninsula. Established in 1890, it boasts a rich maritime heritage and picturesque views of the Olympic Mountains. Serving as the county seat for Kitsap County, Port Orchard enjoys a vibrant mix of small-town ambiance and natural beauty. It's known for its annual Fathoms O' Fun Festival, showcasing a colorful parade and fireworks. The city provides a gateway to outdoor activities with nearby hiking trails, marinas, and parks. Port Orchard's historic downtown features antique shops, local eateries, and a walkable marina boardwalk that offers stunning vistas and a peek at the local lifestyle.

incentives available in Port Orchard for...
energy icon


Port Orchard, WA, actively pursues energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city encourages residents and businesses to adopt renewable energy sources, with solar panels becoming increasingly common due to state incentives and net metering programs. Additionally, Port Orchard's commitment to energy efficiency is evident in its support for the Weatherization Assistance Program, aiding low-income households in improving their home energy performance. The city's building codes have also been updated to ensure new constructions meet higher energy efficiency standards. Local government facilities are gradually transitioning to LED lighting to reduce energy consumption. Moreover, the PSE's Green Power Program has found support in the community, fostering a shift towards cleaner energy. The city leverages technology, including smart meters, to help residents monitor and manage their energy usage more effectively. Through public education campaigns, the community is encouraged to practice energy-saving habits, like reducing peak-time usage, to further enhance the city's energy efficiency.

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Port Orchard has implemented several measures to ensure water efficiency and conservation. The city's water utility employs advanced metering infrastructure to promptly detect leaks and reduce water loss. Residents and businesses are encouraged to install low-flow fixtures and high-efficiency appliances, often with the help of rebate programs. Efficient irrigation practices are promoted through landscape guidelines aimed at using drought-resistant plants and rain gardens to minimize water usage for landscaping. Stormwater management is a critical focus, with the city investing in infrastructure to control runoff and protect water quality. Educational programs are deployed to raise awareness about water conservation both indoors and outdoors. Port Orchard supports rain barrel usage, enabling citizens to collect rainwater for non-potable uses. Additionally, the utility conducts regular water quality testing to ensure compliance with environmental standards and instill public confidence in the tap water. These efforts contribute to the city's goal of sustainable water use and the protection of local water resources.

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Transportation efficiency in Port Orchard benefits from a combination of public transit services and infrastructure improvements aimed at reducing congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Kitsap Transit provides bus and foot ferry services, which have been optimized for efficiency and connectivity. The city encourages carpooling and has developed park-and-ride lots to facilitate this mode of shared transportation. Investments in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, including bike paths and safe crosswalks, promote active transportation options, enhancing both health and environmental benefits. Port Orchard's location near important ferry routes also promotes efficient water-based transportation links. The city's transportation planning emphasizes mixed-use developments to reduce the need for long commutes. Through educational outreach, residents are informed about the benefits of using public transportation and active commuting. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in strategic locations, stimulating the adoption of clean transportation technologies. These integrated transportation strategies uphold the city's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and improving mobility for all residents.

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Waste management in Port Orchard has seen continuous improvement, with a focus on reducing landfill usage through recycling and composting programs. The city provides curbside recycling services and encourages residents to minimize waste by offering incentives for recycling and composting. A significant feature is the yard waste collection service which diverts organic waste from landfills, turning it into compost for local use. Port Orchard promotes hazardous waste disposal programs to prevent environmental contamination and organizes community cleanup events to engage citizens in maintaining a clean city. Electronic waste recycling opportunities are available to handle the proper disposal of e-waste. The city's 'waste-wise' educational initiatives aim to inform the public about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste. Businesses in the city are encouraged to participate in waste reduction programs, fostering corporate environmental responsibility. These comprehensive waste management strategies have collectively decreased the overall waste sent to landfills and bolstered resource conservation.