Map/Rhode Island/Providence

Providence personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $46,565

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $90
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Providence, RI, founded in 1636 by Roger Williams, is the capital city and one of the oldest cities in the U.S. Known for its vibrant arts scene, prestigious colleges like Brown University and RISD, and historic architecture, Providence blends colonial charm with urban sophistication. It hosts WaterFire, a famed art installation along the city's river. With a population around 180,000, it's part of the larger Providence metropolitan area. The city's economy is diverse, with sectors in education, healthcare, and manufacturing. Culinary excellence is highlighted in its renowned Italian district, Federal Hill.

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energy icon


Providence, RI, with its commitment to sustainability, has made significant strides in energy efficiency. The city's focus on reducing its carbon footprint has led to the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power installations in various locations. These efforts are bolstered by local incentives for residential and commercial solar installations, contributing to increased photovoltaic adoption. Additionally, the city benefits from state-wide programs that offer financial incentives and technical assistance for energy efficiency improvements in existing buildings. Providence has also actively promoted the use of energy-efficient LED streetlights, which reduce municipal energy consumption and maintenance costs. There's a concerted move towards the electrification of the city fleet, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Energy benchmarking programs help track and manage energy performance in large buildings, encouraging owners to consider more energy-efficient strategies.

energy icon


Providence, RI, places a high priority on water efficiency and conservation. The city's water system is managed to ensure sustainable usage and supply, with significant investments in infrastructure to reduce water loss due to leaks and aging pipes. The Providence Water Supply Board actively promotes water-saving appliances and fixtures through rebate programs, encouraging residents to reduce their water usage. Rainwater harvesting is supported in residential areas to decrease stormwater runoff and provide an alternative water source for non-potable uses. Sustainable landscaping practices are recommended to minimize water use for irrigation. Wastewater treatment plants in the city incorporate advanced technologies to maximize the purity of discharged water, safeguarding the surrounding aquatic ecosystems. Educational programs raise awareness about water conservation and help citizens understand their role in maintaining the city's water efficiency.

energy icon


Providence, RI, has incorporated various measures to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce the city's environmental impact. The city has expanded its network of bike lanes and shared-use paths, facilitating alternative and active modes of transport. Public transportation benefits from state funding and local policies aimed at expanding service coverage and increasing the frequency and reliability of transit options, like buses and trains. Providence is investing in infrastructure that supports electric vehicles (EVs), including public EV charging stations to encourage the transition from gasoline-powered vehicles. Transit-oriented development frameworks aim to reduce the need for long commutes by integrating residential, work, and leisure spaces within close proximity. Car-sharing services and ride-hailing apps are promoted as means to reduce the number of cars on the road. The city's efforts in constructing pedestrian-friendly streetscapes have made walking a more viable and enjoyable mode of transportation.

energy icon


Waste management in Providence, RI, has grown more advanced and eco-friendly. The city provides comprehensive recycling services, aiming for a waste diversion rate that exceeds national averages. Providence has taken a proactive approach to reducing landfill waste by implementing composting programs, which convert organic waste into valuable soil amendments. These initiatives are supported by local regulations that discourage waste accumulation and promote proper disposal practices. The city encourages reduction in single-use plastics, with several policies aimed at minimizing plastic waste. An electronics recycling program is in place to properly handle e-waste, reducing hazardous materials in landfills. Providence also engages in community education campaigns to inform residents about the importance of waste reduction, recycling, and composting, enhancing the overall effectiveness of waste management efforts.