
Ravenna personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Ravenna, OH, founded in 1799, is a charming city in Portage County, named after Ravenna, Italy. Known for its vibrant history, it's the county seat and celebrated for its annual Balloon A-Fair festival. The city's economy has roots in manufacturing, and it maintains a quaint downtown with local businesses and historic buildings. With a population around 11,500, Ravenna offers a small-town feel with the amenities of a larger community.

incentives available in Ravenna for...
energy icon


Ravenna, OH, has been actively pursuing energy efficiency initiatives. The city has invested in LED streetlight conversions, reducing municipal energy consumption. Residential and commercial properties are encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, with incentives such as rebates for energy-efficient appliances. Utilization of solar panels has been on the rise, facilitated by local government tax incentives. Furthermore, the city has partnered with energy companies to conduct free energy audits for homes and businesses, helping to identify and implement cost-saving measures. The municipal power plant has made strides in incorporating renewable energy sources to its grid, aiming for a more sustainable energy mix. Energy education programs have been established in schools to raise awareness among younger generations. The city's comprehensive approach to energy conservation also includes the fostering of green building practices for new constructions, utilizing latest insulation techniques and materials to enhance energy retention. The community's active participation in these initiatives reflects a strong commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing its carbon footprint.

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Water conservation in Ravenna is a priority, with the city investing in infrastructure to reduce water loss through leaks and outdated pipework. A tiered water billing system incentivizes residents to use water more efficiently. Rain barrel distribution and rain garden installations are promoted to capture and reuse stormwater, aiding in reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. Water-saving fixtures in public buildings demonstrate the city's commitment to leading by example. Educational programs raise awareness about water conservation and the importance of protecting the local watershed. The city has also undertaken measures to protect its rivers and streams from pollution and to ensure a safe water supply for its citizens. These efforts are reinforced by community-driven river cleanups and the encouragement of best practices for lawn and agricultural care to prevent chemical runoff. Water treatment plants have been upgraded to ensure that water quality meets or exceeds EPA standards. Regular testing for contaminants ensures that the city's water remains safe for all uses.

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Ravenna's transportation sector has been moving towards increased efficiency and sustainability. The city supports the use of alternative-fuel vehicles, with electric vehicle charging stations being installed in key locations. Local public transportation has been enhanced, with the introduction of more fuel-efficient buses and expanded routes to reduce reliance on personal vehicles. Initiatives such as bike-to-work days promote cycling, and improvements in cycling infrastructure make it a safer and more attractive option for commuters. The city also recognizes the importance of walkability and has been improving sidewalks and crosswalks to encourage more residents to walk for short trips. A ride-sharing program is in development to decrease the number of vehicles on the road and reduce emissions. The local government works closely with regional transportation planners to align their efforts with broader sustainable transportation goals. Efforts are made to maintain and improve the city's roadways to maximize fuel efficiency, reduce congestion, and lower overall transportation-related emissions.

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Waste management in Ravenna has seen significant improvements through a combination of recycling programs and public awareness campaigns. The city has implemented curbside recycling services for residents, accompanied by a single-stream recycling system that simplifies the process and increases participation rates. An electronic waste collection program helps divert hazardous materials from landfills. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste with incentives for reducing packaging and using recyclable materials. An annual community cleanup event fosters civic engagement and promotes proper waste disposal. The city has also installed public recycling bins in high-traffic areas to encourage on-the-go recycling. Yard waste is collected separately and composted, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional disposal methods. Educational initiatives in local schools focus on the importance of waste reduction and recycling. The city's waste management strategies aim at not just handling waste but reducing it at the source, reflecting a shift towards a circular economy approach.