
Roseville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings


Roseville, MI, a suburban city in Macomb County, was established in 1926. With a population of approximately 47,000, it offers a diverse community, retail centers, and parks. Significant for its automotive history, it houses several dealerships and part suppliers. The city is committed to community development and hosts annual events like the RoseFest, enhancing its small-town charm within the Detroit metropolitan area.

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energy icon


Roseville, Michigan, has actively been pursuing energy efficiency through various programs and initiatives. One of the key measures is the support for LED lighting conversions in public buildings, which has significantly reduced energy consumption and costs. The city’s encouragement of residential and commercial energy audits has led to widespread retrofits that improve insulation and HVAC systems, enhancing overall energy efficiency. Additionally, incentives for solar panel installations have spurred the adoption of renewable energy sources among homeowners and businesses. New constructions are increasingly adhering to energy-efficient building codes, incorporating advanced materials and design principles that minimize energy loss. The city also supports the 'Energy Savers' program, which educates the community on best practices for reducing energy use. A notable project involves the upgrade of streetlights to energy-efficient LEDs, which not only cuts down on energy usage but also provides better lighting. Roseville’s partnership with local utility companies offers rebates for residents who install energy-efficient appliances and heating systems. To stimulate further community involvement, the city hosts annual events promoting energy conservation awareness.

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Roseville is proactive in ensuring water efficiency and conservation in its community. The city’s water infrastructure has been upgraded to include smart metering, which allows for precise monitoring and management of water usage, leading to reduced waste and improved leak detection. Roseville’s water treatment plant uses advanced filtration and treatment processes to maximize efficiency and ensure water quality. Initiatives to encourage responsible water use include offering rain barrels to residents at subsidized rates, promoting rain gardens, and providing education on native landscaping that requires less irrigation. The city has instituted a tiered water pricing structure designed to encourage conservation among high-volume users. In addition, there are rebates available for the installation of water-efficient appliances and fixtures in homes and businesses. Public outreach campaigns have been effective in raising awareness about the importance of water conservation. Water-saving measures are integrated into the design of new developments, with green infrastructure to manage stormwater and reduce run-off. The city is also exploring the use of gray water systems for non-potable purposes to further reduce the demand on the treated water supply.

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Roseville is striving to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce congestion on its roads. The city has expanded public transit options, including bus routes and shuttle services that connect key areas, improving access and reducing reliance on personal vehicles. There has been substantial investment in biking and walking infrastructure, with new bike lanes and pedestrian paths that promote alternative modes of transport. Programs promoting carpooling and ride-sharing have been introduced to decrease single-occupancy vehicle trips. The city has also been installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at strategic public locations to support the transition to electric mobility. As part of a regional initiative, Roseville is connected to smart traffic management systems that optimize traffic flow and signals, decreasing travel times and emissions. A transit-oriented development plan is in place, encouraging mixed-use developments near transit hubs to reduce the need for long commutes. The city’s fleet of vehicles is gradually being replaced with more fuel-efficient and hybrid models to lower operational costs and emissions. Roseville actively participates in state and regional transportation planning to ensure that its needs are considered in broader infrastructure investments.

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Roseville, Michigan, has developed a comprehensive waste management and reduction strategy. It includes the expansion of its recycling program to accept a broader range of materials, thereby diverting significant waste from landfills. The city has also introduced a curbside organics collection for yard and food waste, which is then processed into compost. Residents are encouraged through educational programs to reduce, reuse, and recycle, aiming to minimize the overall waste footprint. In schools and public facilities, there are efforts to implement zero-waste initiatives that include recycling stations and waste sorting education. The city has also incentivized businesses to participate in waste reduction programs by providing recognition to those who make significant efforts to minimize waste generation. Roseville invests in closed-loop waste systems wherever possible, promoting the concept of circular economy practices. Annual community clean-up events not only help keep the city clean but also foster a collective sense of responsibility toward waste reduction. Moreover, Roseville’s waste management facilities are continually updated with new technologies to enhance recycling and waste sorting capabilities.