Map/Michigan/Saint Johns

Saint Johns personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,375

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $250
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $75

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Saint Johns

Saint Johns, MI, is the county seat of Clinton County with a population of around 7,865. Known for its historical charm, Saint Johns hosts the annual Mint Festival celebrating its mint farming heritage. The city prides itself on its vibrant downtown, community-focused atmosphere, and picturesque parks, including the scenic Clinton Northern Railway Museum. Its economy is a mix of agriculture, small business, and manufacturing, fostering a small-town feel with a rich community spirit.

incentives available in Saint Johns for...
energy icon


In Saint Johns, Michigan, strides towards energy efficiency have been on an upward trend. The city has adopted green initiatives, including the use of LED street lighting, which reduces energy consumption and maintenance costs. Residential and commercial buildings are encouraged to improve insulation and install energy-efficient appliances through incentive programs. The power grid has been undergoing modernization to incorporate smart grid technologies, improving the efficiency of electricity distribution. Solar panel installations have become more common, supported by state-level programs and tax incentives. Local businesses are increasingly participating in energy audits to identify ways to reduce energy usage. The city's initiatives also promote the use of renewable energy sources, aiming to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Community education programs have been established to raise awareness about energy conservation practices. Energy efficiency in public buildings has seen improvements, with several facilities adopting automated systems for heating, cooling, and lighting control. The local government has implemented policies that favor the construction of energy-efficient homes, which has significantly reduced overall energy consumption in the residential sector. Moreover, the city has seen a growing interest in sustainable living practices, with residents and businesses alike taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

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Water efficiency in Saint Johns, Michigan reflects a combination of technological advancements, community engagement, and progressive water management strategies. The city's water treatment facilities have been upgraded to incorporate advanced filtration and purification technologies, ensuring high-quality drinking water for residents while also reducing energy and chemical use. Water conservation programs have been implemented to encourage residents to use water-efficient appliances and fixtures, supported by incentive programs that offer rebates for the adoption of such technologies. The city has been proactive in repairing and replacing aging water infrastructure, significantly reducing water loss due to leaks and pipe bursts. Rainwater harvesting is promoted among homeowners and businesses alike, with systems being installed to capture and reuse rainwater for landscaping and non-potable purposes. Saint Johns has developed efficient irrigation practices for public parks and green spaces, including the use of drought-resistant plants and smart irrigation systems. The city has also engaged in educational campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and how individual actions can make a difference. Stormwater management has improved with the introduction of permeable pavements and rain gardens, helping to reduce runoff and protect water quality in local rivers and streams. Water-saving initiatives in schools and public facilities have been put in place, with students participating in water monitoring projects. Overall, these strategies have combined to form a comprehensive approach towards maintaining a sustainable and resilient water supply for Saint Johns.

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Saint Johns, Michigan is focusing on improving transportation efficiency through a variety of initiatives and infrastructure upgrades. The city has invested in creating and enhancing bike lanes and walking paths to encourage non-motorized transportation, contributing to a reduction in vehicular traffic and associated emissions. Public transportation options have been extended, with bus routes being optimized for efficiency and coverage. The city has implemented a carpooling program, supported by a dedicated app to facilitate ride-sharing among commuters. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in key locations to support the adoption of electric cars, partially funded by grants and state incentives. Saint Johns has also adopted a fleet management program for city vehicles, integrating energy-efficient and hybrid vehicles to reduce fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Traffic signal synchronization has been implemented to reduce idle times and improve the flow of traffic. The city has engaged in educational efforts to inform residents about eco-friendly transportation options and the benefits of reducing their carbon footprint. Parking policies have been revised to promote the use of high occupancy vehicles and discourage single-occupancy car use. Freight transportation within the city has seen improvements through the adoption of logistics management systems, aiming to reduce the number of delivery vehicles on the road. The transportation initiatives in Saint Johns reflect a comprehensive approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving mobility and quality of life for its residents.

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Saint Johns, Michigan has made significant efforts to increase waste efficiency, focusing on reducing, reusing, and recycling materials. The city has an active curbside recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials, and it has expanded to include more households each year. To promote waste diversion from landfills, Saint Johns has implemented a 'pay-as-you-throw' trash collection fee structure, incentivizing residents to reduce trash and increase recycling. Bulk waste collection days and hazardous waste disposal events are organized periodically, ensuring proper disposal of items that cannot be regularly recycled. The city also supports local composting initiatives and has started community programs that educate residents on the benefits of composting organic waste. Businesses are encouraged to participate in waste reduction programs, and many have adopted sustainable packaging and waste management practices. The municipality has regulations in place for construction and demolition waste, aiming to reclaim materials like wood, metal, and concrete. E-waste collection points facilitate the recycling of electronic gadgets and appliances. Local schools have integrated recycling education into their curricula, encouraging the next generation to value sustainability. Furthermore, the city has engaged in partnerships with waste management companies to explore innovative technologies that can improve waste sorting and recycling efficiency. Pilot programs for the collection of textiles and other specific waste streams have been launched, reflecting the community's commitment to expanding its waste efficiency efforts.