
Sidney personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $45,235

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $300
ENERGY Electrician $1075
ENERGY Insulation $950
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Sidney, Ohio, is a small city in Shelby County. Known for its historic downtown, it's the county seat and hosts the annual Shelby County Fair. The city boasts the People's Federal Savings and Loan Association building, a 1917 Louis Sullivan design. Sidney is also home to a diverse manufacturing sector, including the world headquarters of Emerson Climate Technologies. The Great Miami River adds scenic beauty and recreational opportunities for residents.

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energy icon


Sidney, Ohio, has been actively pursuing energy efficiency improvements through various initiatives. These include adopting LED street lighting, reducing electricity consumption significantly. The city has also seen an increase in residential solar panel installations, thanks in part to local government incentives that encourage renewable energy adoption. Local businesses are also participating in energy efficiency programs, with many receiving assessments and grants to upgrade their equipment. The municipally run utility company has implemented smart grid technologies to optimize electricity distribution and reduce outages. Furthermore, there is an enthusiasm for energy conservation programs among residents, spurred by education campaigns on the benefits of reducing energy use. Energy audits are becoming more common, with homeowners and businesses taking steps to seal leaks and improve insulation, thus lowering heating and cooling costs.

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Water conservation is a priority in Sidney, with the city implementing a tiered water pricing structure to incentivize reduced consumption. This approach has led to a noticeable decrease in per capita water use. Investment in the modernization of water treatment facilities has also improved efficiency, ensuring high-quality water with less energy input. The city encourages rainwater harvesting among residents, offering rebates for the installation of rain barrels and the implementation of xeriscaping landscaping practices that require minimal irrigation. Additionally, an educational initiative has been launched to inform residents about water-efficient appliances and practices. Leak detection programs have become more robust, identifying and repairing infrastructure leaks to minimize water loss. Water reclamation and reuse projects are also in development, aiming to treat and repurpose wastewater for non-potable uses.

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The transportation sector in Sidney is evolving with a focus on efficiency and sustainability. The city has expanded its public transportation system, including bus routes which have been made more efficient with real-time tracking technology. Bike-sharing programs have been introduced, along with the construction of new bike lanes, to encourage non-motorized transport. A local initiative provides incentives for carpooling and the use of electric vehicles (EVs), with the city installing multiple EV charging stations in strategic locations. To reduce traffic congestion and related emissions, Sidney has implemented a smart traffic management system. These efforts are complemented by community awareness campaigns promoting the use of public transit and other eco-friendly transportation options. The city government has also invested in a fleet of energy-efficient vehicles for municipal use, further demonstrating a commitment to reducing transportation-related energy consumption.

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Sidney's waste management has shown substantial efficiency improvements with the introduction of a curbside recycling program aimed at reducing landfill use. Additionally, the city has initiated composting programs that divert organic waste from the waste stream. Businesses in Sidney are encouraged to participate in waste reduction efforts through local government incentives, such as tax credits for companies that demonstrate significant waste reduction. The city has also invested in a state-of-the-art waste sorting facility, increasing the capacity to recover recyclables. A local campaign promotes the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, consequently increasing community participation rates. The city's waste management department actively works with schools and organizations to educate citizens on proper waste disposal and the environmental benefits of waste reduction.