
Smithville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $49,395

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Smithville, TN, is a charming city located in DeKalb County, with a population of around 4,700. Known for its vibrant annual Fiddlers' Jamboree and Crafts Festival, Smithville boasts a rich musical heritage, a close-knit community, and picturesque landscapes typical of Middle Tennessee. Its economy is anchored by local businesses and manufacturing, with tourism bolstered by the nearby Center Hill Lake, a hub for outdoor activities like fishing, boating, and camping. The city prides itself on its friendly atmosphere and small-town values, making it an attractive destination for visitors seeking a slice of traditional Americana.

incentives available in Smithville for...
energy icon


Smithville has made significant strides in improving its energy efficiency. The town has introduced a solar incentives program, encouraging residents and businesses to install photovoltaic panels. A notable result of this initiative is the reduction of reliance on non-renewable resources, with several municipal buildings now powered entirely by solar energy. The community has invested in a smart grid system, which has improved the distribution efficiency and reduced energy losses. Energy audits have become commonplace, offered by the local utility company to help identify areas where homeowners can save energy and reduce bills. The town's new construction guidelines advocate for energy-efficient designs, including better insulation and the use of energy star-rated appliances. Smithville's street lighting has been upgraded to LED technology, which consumes significantly less energy and has a longer lifespan. An educational campaign promoting the benefits of reducing energy consumption has also contributed to a community-wide effort to decrease the overall energy footprint. Rebates and tax credits are available for residents who demonstrate significant energy-saving measures, fostering a culture of sustainability.

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Smithville has introduced various measures to enhance its water efficiency. The town has modernized its water treatment facility, resulting in improved water quality and reduced energy consumption. Leak detection systems have been installed across the water distribution network, swiftly identifying and repairing any leaks, thus conserving substantial volumes of water. A rainwater harvesting incentive encourages residents to install collection systems, reducing the demand on the municipal water supply. Low-flow fixtures and dual-flush toilets are now standard in public buildings, and incentives are in place for homeowners who retrofit their existing installations. Smithville has implemented a tiered water pricing strategy to discourage excessive water use. The local government has also invested in the restoration of nearby watersheds, which has contributed to a more reliable water supply. Educational programs in schools and community centers emphasize the importance of water conservation. Additionally, drought-resistant landscaping—xeriscaping—is promoted through gardening workshops, reducing the necessity for irrigation.

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Transportation efficiency in Smithville has seen marked improvements with the introduction of several initiatives. The town has expanded its public transportation network, offering more frequent service and adding new routes to underserved areas. Smithville's bike-sharing program supports alternative transportation and decreases the reliance on personal vehicles. The local government has incentivized the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by installing numerous EV charging stations and providing tax rebates for EV purchases. Efforts to create a pedestrian-friendly town center have resulted in wider sidewalks and the establishment of pedestrian zones. A carpool matching service complements these efforts by reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads. The implementation of a 'Complete Streets' program ensures that new roadways are designed to accommodate all users, including cyclists and pedestrians. Smithville has also started a fleet modernization program for municipal vehicles, replacing older models with fuel-efficient or electric alternatives. The town is actively working on reducing transportation emissions as part of its comprehensive climate action plan.

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Waste management in Smithville has observed a transformative shift towards sustainability. The town has implemented a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, diverting a significant amount of waste from the landfill. Composting facilities have been established to process organic waste, and the compost produced is used to enhance public green spaces. A local ordinance mandates the separation of recyclables from general waste, and heavy fines are levied against non-compliance. Smithville has adopted a zero-waste policy for all government offices, setting an example for residents and businesses. The introduction of a waste-to-energy plant has allowed for the conversion of non-recyclable waste into electricity, further integrating waste management with energy production. The town has also initiated an e-waste collection program to safely dispose of electronic items. Smithville holds regular hazardous waste collection days to prevent improper disposal. A 'Buy-Back' center operates, giving residents monetary incentives for certain recyclable items, and the town's 'Green Business Certification' recognizes businesses that excel in waste reduction efforts.