Map/South Carolina/Spartanburg

Spartanburg personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,530

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4450
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Spartanburg, SC, located in the Upstate region, is known for its rich Revolutionary War history and burgeoning economic development. Boasting a vibrant cultural scene, the city hosts the Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg Art Museum, and the annual International Festival. Home to several higher education institutions like Wofford College and USC Upstate, Spartanburg also supports a diverse manufacturing sector with companies like BMW's only North American plant. It is nicknamed “Hub City” due to its historical role as a railroad center. Spartanburg combines Southern charm with a forward-looking, business-friendly environment, making it a dynamic place to visit, work, and live.

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energy icon


Spartanburg, SC has made strides in improving its energy efficiency through a range of initiatives. The city has embraced renewable energy sources, with solar farms becoming increasingly common, bolstered by state incentives and the Solarize South Carolina program. Residential and commercial buildings are being encouraged to upgrade insulation and install energy-efficient appliances, partially subsidized by local utility rebates. The Spartanburg Community College has implemented energy-saving measures across its campuses, serving as a model for other institutions. LED streetlight conversions have resulted in significant electricity savings city-wide. The city has also participated in the Better Buildings Challenge, committing to reducing energy use by 20% across its building portfolio over a decade. To support electric vehicles, charging infrastructure has been expanded, with several new stations installed in downtown areas and shopping centers. Public buildings are increasingly integrating smart systems to control lighting, heating, and cooling for optimal efficiency. Local businesses are engaging in the Duke Energy's Smart $aver program to receive incentives for energy-saving improvements. Municipal efforts have also included energy performance contracting to retrofit older facilities with modern, efficient technologies. Additionally, a pilot program is underway to test the viability of battery storage systems for solar energy, aiming to further enhance the city's energy resilience and sustainability.

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Spartanburg has been proactive in ensuring water efficiency and sustainability. The city has invested in modernizing its water treatment facilities, employing advanced technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of water processing. Infrastructure improvements, such as repairing and replacing aging water pipes, have reduced leaks and saved significant amounts of water. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among residents and businesses, with educational programs supporting their installation. Low-flow fixtures and appliances are increasingly standard in new construction, and retrofits are encouraged with utility incentives. Efforts to protect water resources include strict enforcement of stormwater regulations and the creation of green spaces to enhance natural absorption. The Spartanburg Water's 'Choose Tap' campaign encourages drinking tap water to reduce plastic bottle waste and the associated energy footprint. A watershed management plan is being implemented to preserve local water bodies, and there are community initiatives aimed at river cleanups and waterway conservation. Smart irrigation systems have been introduced in public parks and landscapes, contributing to water savings. The city has also launched public outreach campaigns to educate citizens on the importance of water conservation, offering practical tips and strategies for reducing water usage at home and in businesses. Moreover, Spartanburg actively promotes the Wise Water Use program to provide households with tools and knowledge for efficient water use.

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Transportation initiatives in Spartanburg are geared towards improving efficiency and reducing the environmental impact. A key development has been the expansion of the SPARTA public transit system, including increased bus routes and the introduction of energy-efficient buses, which has improved accessibility and reduced individual car use. The city has adopted a Complete Streets policy, ensuring that roadways are designed to accommodate all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation. Bike lanes and shared-use paths have been expanded, with the Mary Black Foundation Rail Trail being a notable example. The Hub City Bike Share program promotes cycling as a viable alternative to motor vehicles for short trips. Carpooling is actively encouraged, with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes planned for future highway expansions. The city has partnered with rideshare companies to offer first/last-mile solutions to transit users. Efforts are underway to develop a regional transportation plan that emphasizes connectivity and efficiency, with input from various stakeholders. The downtown area has seen improvements in walkability, making it more attractive for residents to shop and commute on foot. Additionally, Spartanburg participates in the Clean Air Upstate program, working towards reducing transportation-related air pollution. The city's long-term vision includes exploring the feasibility of autonomous electric shuttles to further revolutionize its transportation landscape, prioritizing sustainability and innovation.

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Waste reduction and recycling have become key environmental priorities in Spartanburg. The city's solid waste division has streamlined collection routes for efficiency, reducing fuel usage and emissions. A comprehensive recycling program is in place, accepting paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, and glass, with a strong push for community education on recycling best practices. The 'Recycle Right Spartanburg' campaign emphasizes contamination reduction in recycling streams. Yard waste is collected separately and processed into mulch, which is available to residents for free. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in waste audits and implement recycling programs through the 'WasteWise' partnership. The city has made efforts to curb electronic waste by hosting periodic e-waste recycling events, diverting hazardous materials from landfills. A food waste collection and composting program is also being piloted to address organic waste from households and restaurants. The Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce works with businesses to highlight the economic benefits of sustainable waste management practices. The city has also invested in a new fleet of waste collection vehicles that are more fuel-efficient and produce lower emissions, reflecting a broader commitment to integrating sustainability in municipal services. Additionally, Spartanburg actively supports 'upcycling' initiatives that repurpose materials, fostering a culture of sustainability and innovation.