
Statesboro personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,805

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4000
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Statesboro, GA, is a vibrant city home to Georgia Southern University. Founded in 1803, it has a rich cultural heritage and a growing economy. Known for its blues history, annual festivals such as the Bluegrass Festival, and sports, Statesboro offers a blend of education, history, and Southern hospitality. With a population of approximately 32,000, it is a hub of education, retail, and healthcare in Bulloch County. The city also boasts the Garden of the Coastal Plain and the Averitt Center for the Arts, highlighting its commitment to nature and the arts.

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energy icon


Statesboro, GA, has been actively working towards improving energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has encouraged the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces to reduce energy consumption. Local government buildings have been audited for energy efficiency and have seen upgrades like installation of programmable thermostats and improved HVAC systems. The municipal utility offers incentives for residential and commercial customers to undertake energy-efficient renovations, which include rebates for high-efficiency appliances and HVAC systems. Statesboro's commitment to solar energy is evident with the installation of solar panels on select public buildings, and the city promotes a solar tax credit to encourage private solar investments by homeowners and businesses. Community programs, such as energy efficiency workshops, help educate residents about reducing energy use at home. The city's partnership with Georgia Power in the Commercial Energy Efficiency Program provides businesses with assessments and incentives to upgrade to more energy-efficient systems.

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Statesboro has invested significantly in water efficiency. The city has upgraded its water treatment plants to ensure clean water supply while being efficient in operation. Rebate programs encourage the installation of low-flow toilets and showerheads in homes and businesses. The municipal water utility conducts regular audits to detect and repair leaks, minimizing water loss throughout the distribution system. Rain barrel sales and rain garden workshops promote rainwater collection and conservation landscaping, which reduces dependency on treated water for non-potable uses. Statesboro's stormwater management practices are aimed at protecting the watershed from contamination and mitigating the effects of heavy rainfall. Educational programs target water conservation awareness among residents, and the city partners with organizations like the EPA's WaterSense to encourage efficiency standards. The implementation of smart metering technology gives residents the ability to track their water usage and identify potential leaks early.

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Transportation in Statesboro, GA, emphasizes sustainability and efficiency. The city has invested in pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, with bike lanes and walking trails connecting key areas to encourage non-vehicular travel. The Statesboro-Bulloch County Transit system offers public transportation options reducing the number of individual cars on the road, thereby decreasing traffic congestion and emissions. Efforts to maintain and improve the efficiency of the public transit fleet include regular service checks and the gradual introduction of more fuel-efficient buses. The city supports the use of electric vehicles (EV) by installing EV charging stations in strategic locations and promoting state incentives for EV purchases. Carpooling is encouraged among residents and the local workforce, with the help of ride-sharing programs and dedicated carpool parking spaces. Statesboro also engages in smart traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce idling, further contributing to the efficiency of transportation within the city.

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Waste management in Statesboro, GA, has seen advancements in efficiency and recycling efforts. The city has established a robust curbside recycling program that accepts paper, plastic, metal, and glass, aiming to divert waste from landfills. Statesboro's waste management department periodically holds electronic waste collection events to safely dispose of e-waste. The city has also implemented a yard waste program that composts collected organic materials, which is then made available to the public. Additionally, the local government supports waste reduction by promoting reusable bags and containers. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through the WasteWise program, which provides tools and resources to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste. The landfill gas to energy project is a testament to Statesboro's innovative approach to managing waste by converting landfill methane into electricity, thus cutting down greenhouse gas emissions.