
Tallahassee personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,475

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $40
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $115
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $100
ENERGY Electrician $1450
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $115
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5175
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $200

city facts

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residential energy savings


Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, is known for its rolling hills and significant landmarks, including the Florida State Capitol, Florida A&M University, and vibrant cultural scenes. It boasts a blend of politics, education, and history, with the Museum of Florida History and Mission San Luis providing glimpses into the state's past. The city's natural beauty is highlighted by parks like the Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park. With a population of over 190,000, Tallahassee serves as a hub for government, academics, and regional culture in the Florida Panhandle.

incentives available in Tallahassee for...
energy icon


Tallahassee has made significant strides in improving energy efficiency through initiatives such as the enhancement of building codes to ensure new constructions are more energy-efficient. Upgrades to existing municipal buildings have been implemented to reduce energy consumption. The city has encouraged the installation of solar panels with various incentive programs, leading to an increase in renewable energy adoption among residents and businesses. Additionally, the city's utility services offer energy assessment programs to help identify areas for improvement in energy consumption. Public awareness campaigns focused on energy-saving practices have been effective in fostering a culture of conservation. Tallahassee has also invested in smart grid technology to optimize the distribution and use of electricity, reducing waste and improving service reliability.

energy icon


Tallahassee is committed to water conservation and has implemented various measures to ensure the efficiency of water use. The city has upgraded its water treatment facilities to use advanced technologies that reduce water loss and improve the quality of water supplied to residents. There are rebate programs available for water-efficient appliances, and the city regularly conducts leak detection and repair programs to maintain the integrity of the water distribution system. Rain barrel sales and rain garden initiatives encourage residents to utilize rainwater for non-potable uses, further decreasing the demand on the municipal water supply. Public outreach programs aim to educate citizens on water-saving techniques, and ordinances are in place to regulate water usage during drought conditions. The city's landscape ordinances also encourage the use of native, drought-resistant plants to reduce water consumption in gardening and landscaping.

energy icon


Tallahassee has been focusing on improving transportation efficiency through the expansion of public transit options and the support of alternative transportation modes. The city's bus system, StarMetro, has been upgraded with more fuel-efficient buses, and there are incentives for ridership to decrease the reliance on personal vehicles. Bike-sharing programs and the development of bike lanes have promoted cycling as a practical and environmentally friendly mode of transport. Infrastructure improvements have been undertaken to enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility, encouraging walking as a sustainable transport option. The city also supports the use of electric vehicles by installing charging stations and offering incentives for EV purchases. There's an emphasis on integrating land use and transportation planning to promote transit-oriented development, which reduces the need for long commutes and supports a more compact, walkable urban environment.

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Tallahassee's waste management system has evolved to focus on reducing landfill usage through comprehensive recycling programs and the promotion of composting. Curbside recycling services are available to residents, and the city has implemented educational programs to increase participation rates in recycling. The city has established a construction and demolition debris recycling program to divert waste from landfills. There are also special hazardous waste disposal events and facilities for proper handling of such materials, to prevent environmental contamination. Businesses have been encouraged through incentives to minimize waste production and adopt sustainable practices. Additionally, local non-profits and government programs work together to facilitate the donation of usable goods, thereby reducing waste and supporting community members in need.