
Taylor personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Taylor, Texas, located in Williamson County, is a charming city with a rich heritage and vibrant community. Founded in 1876, it blossomed as a railroad town and has a population of over 16,000. Known for its historic downtown, Taylor also boasts the annual Blackland Prairie Days, reflecting its agricultural roots. The city is recognized for its diverse economy, with a significant boost from the tech giant Samsung's $17 billion chip plant, promising job growth and economic development. Taylor is celebrated for its blend of tradition and innovation, maintaining small-town hospitality while embracing modern advancements.

incentives available in Taylor for...
energy icon


Taylor, TX has made significant strides in enhancing its energy efficiency through a combination of renewable energy projects and conservation initiatives. The city has seen the installation of solar panels on public buildings, incentivizing local businesses and homeowners to adopt similar renewable solutions with tax credits and rebates. Taylor's investment in smart grid technology has improved its electricity distribution and reduced outages. Energy-efficient LED street lighting has been widely implemented, further reducing the municipality's carbon footprint. The city has also participated in energy performance contracting, allowing it to upgrade facilities without upfront costs. Educational programs aimed at residents promote the reduction of energy consumption and increase awareness of energy-efficient practices.

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Water efficiency in Taylor, TX has improved thanks to the implementation of a comprehensive water conservation plan. The city has upgraded its water infrastructure to address leaks and minimize loss, ensuring more efficient water delivery. Rainwater harvesting systems have been incentivized for both residential and commercial properties, aiming to reduce dependency on municipal supply. Low-flow fixtures in public buildings and available rebates for similar installations in homes have contributed to lower water consumption. Taylor also employs smart metering for water usage, helping to detect anomalies and encourage conservation. Education programs about xeriscaping and native plants minimize the need for irrigation. The city’s initiatives have collectively contributed to a reduction in per capita water use, reflecting a commitment to sustainability.

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The transportation sector in Taylor, TX is undergoing a transformation geared towards efficiency and sustainability. The city is enhancing public transportation options, offering residents alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle use. An increase in bike lanes and pedestrian pathways has encouraged cleaner modes of travel. The local government has incentivized the use of electric vehicles (EVs) through the installation of public EV charging stations. Efforts to synchronize traffic signals have resulted in smoother traffic flow and reduced vehicle idling. Car-sharing programs and ride-sharing initiatives are actively promoted. A shift towards more compact, mixed-use urban development reduces the need for transportation and its related energy expenditure. Taylor also actively participates in regional transportation planning to ensure coherent and efficient mobility solutions.

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Taylor's waste management system prioritizes reduction, reuse, and recycling as key components to enhance efficiency. The city has initiated a robust curbside recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, significantly diverting waste from landfills. Additionally, Taylor has established a composting program for organic waste, encouraging residents to lower their environmental impact. The local government has partnered with waste management companies to ensure proper disposal of hazardous materials, preventing environmental contamination. Efforts to promote a circular economy are evident through community events such as swap meets and repair workshops. The city’s waste efficiency is also supplemented by public education campaigns on proper sorting and reducing single-use plastics.