Union personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $50,420

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $250
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Union, Mississippi, situated in Newton and Neshoba counties, has a population of around 2,021. Known for its rich history and small-town charm, Union boasts a close-knit community and strong educational values highlighted by the Union Public School District. The town annually celebrates heritage through the Union Day Festival. Notable for its picturesque landscapes and warm, welcoming atmosphere, Union offers a quintessential slice of Southern life.

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energy icon


Union, MS has made significant strides in energy efficiency through various initiatives. The town has incorporated LED lighting in public spaces, reducing energy consumption substantially. Solar panels have been slowly adopted by residents, helped by state-level incentives that include tax breaks and grants for renewable energy installations. Union has also encouraged energy audits for homeowners, leading to increased insulation and efficient HVAC systems in many homes. The adoption of smart meters has enabled residents to monitor and manage their electricity use more effectively. Local businesses have followed suit, with many small businesses retrofitting their facilities with energy-efficient appliances. The community has promoted the use of energy star-rated products, further fostering an energy-conscious mindset. Energy education programs in schools have raised awareness among the younger generation, ensuring sustainability remains a priority in future developments.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Union, MS, has seen notable improvements with the adoption of several conservation measures. The municipality has upgraded its water infrastructure to reduce leakage and conserve water supply. Rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly used by residents and businesses, minimizing the reliance on groundwater. Low-flow fixtures have become standard in public buildings and are promoted for residential use. The town has implemented tiered water pricing to incentivize reduced consumption, with the lowest rates for the most conservative users. Public awareness campaigns have been successful in educating the populace on water-saving techniques, such as fixing leaks promptly and using drought-resistant plants in landscaping. Union has also invested in modernizing its wastewater treatment facility, ensuring water is treated efficiently and safely returned to the environment. Agricultural practices in the area have shifted to include more water-efficient irrigation methods, preserving the local watershed.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Union, MS has benefited from a focus on sustainable practices. The town has encouraged carpooling and the use of public transportation to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. There has been a push for infrastructure that supports electric vehicles, including the installation of several EV charging stations. Union has also made efforts to become more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly, with new bike lanes and improved sidewalks. A local shuttle service provides an alternative to personal vehicle use, especially for the elderly and those without cars. Additionally, zoning policies encourage mixed-use developments that reduce the need to travel long distances for work or shopping. The town has begun transitioning its own fleet of vehicles to hybrids and electric models, setting an example for eco-friendly transportation. These collective measures have contributed to a decrease in traffic congestion and improved air quality in Union.

energy icon


In waste management, Union, MS has implemented comprehensive recycling programs, aiming to divert as much waste as possible from landfills. The town has set up accessible recycling centers for paper, plastic, metal, and glass. Additionally, there are special collection days for hazardous waste, such as electronics and batteries, to prevent improper disposal. Organic waste composting has been introduced in some areas, reducing methane emissions from landfills. The local government has also initiated an educational campaign, teaching residents how to reduce, reuse, and recycle effectively. Businesses are encouraged to minimize packaging waste and participate in recycling programs. Union's efforts in waste efficiency have also included the promotion of reusable bags and containers, significantly reducing single-use plastics within the community. The town has stringent waste disposal regulations, ensuring that waste management practices align with environmental sustainability goals.