
Wailuku personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Wailuku, HI, is the seat of Maui County, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Home to Iao Valley State Park, it features the iconic Iao Needle. The town offers a mix of vintage charm and modernity with its historic buildings, art scene, and annual Maui Fair. Nestled at the base of the West Maui Mountains, Wailuku serves as a hub for government and commerce and is a gateway to nearby nature and surf spots.

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energy icon


Wailuku, HI, has shown significant commitments to improving energy efficiency through various initiatives. The Maui Electric Company (MECO) has been actively pursuing renewable energy projects, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Solar energy use is on the rise among residential and commercial properties, in part due to the federal solar tax credit that incentivizes installation. As part of Hawaii's Clean Energy Initiative, efforts to upgrade infrastructure to better accommodate renewable energy sources are ongoing. Wind power also contributes to the energy mix, with the Ma'alaea Wind Farm being a notable provider. Energy-efficient appliances and lighting have become more commonplace, supported by rebate programs encouraging their adoption. Local businesses and homeowners have shown interest in energy audits to reduce consumption and improve efficiency. Public buildings and schools have been retrofitted with energy-saving technologies, reflecting the community's dedication to sustainability. Smart meters have been installed in many areas, allowing residents to monitor and manage their energy use more effectively. Additionally, educational programs are in place to teach the importance of energy conservation and efficiency practices.

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Wailuku's water efficiency strategies focus on conservation and sustainable management of resources. The Wailuku Water Company operates the water infrastructure with an emphasis on reducing leakage and improving supply efficiency. Rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly popular in residential areas, supported by local incentives. Native landscaping, or xeriscaping, is promoted to reduce irrigation needs. Advanced metering infrastructure is used by the utility company to detect leaks promptly and encourage residents to conserve water. Wastewater treatment plants have received upgrades to improve water recycling and reuse for non-potable purposes such as irrigation. Low-flow fixtures are becoming standard in both new construction and retrofits, with incentives available for upgrades. Educational outreach programs, aimed at schools and the broader community, stress the importance of water conservation. Water-efficient technologies in agriculture are gaining traction, particularly given Wailuku's agricultural heritage. Rebate programs for water-efficient appliances help in reducing overall water demand. Restrictions on water usage during drought conditions enforce conservation efforts when water levels are critically low.

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Wailuku has made strides in improving transportation efficiency through various initiatives. With the support of Maui County, there has been an increase in the deployment of hybrid and electric vehicles, including buses in the public transportation fleet. Public transportation services, provided by the Maui Bus, offer extensive routes to reduce reliance on personal vehicles. Bike-sharing programs and bike-friendly infrastructure encourage cycling as an alternative mode of transport. Pedestrian pathways and safe crosswalks are continually improved, promoting walkability within the town. Carpooling is actively encouraged, and there are designated carpool parking spaces in key locations. Initiatives to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure have facilitated the growth of EV usage. Traffic flow improvements, like synchronized traffic lights, have been implemented to reduce congestion and idling emissions. Commuter education programs inform residents about the benefits of using alternative transportation methods. Rideshare services and taxi companies also contribute to the transportation mix, providing additional options for residents and tourists. Ongoing community discussions focus on developing long-term strategies for sustainable transportation and reducing the carbon footprint of commuting.

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Wailuku's waste management strategies have evolved to emphasize reduction, reuse, and recycling. The community participates in curbside recycling programs that accept a variety of materials, including paper, plastics, and metals. Local government has established an e-waste disposal program to properly handle electronic waste, preventing hazardous substances from entering the landfill. The Central Maui Landfill's operations include measures to minimize environmental impact. There are also community-led initiatives to promote composting, both at home and in schools, reducing organic waste and producing soil amendments. The local government has explored waste-to-energy options to reduce landfill dependency and generate electricity. Businesses in Wailuku are encouraged to minimize packaging and use biodegradable materials. Single-use plastic bag bans and plastic reduction policies have seen a positive response from the community, aiding waste reduction efforts. Educational programs highlight the importance of responsible waste disposal and the benefits of a circular economy. Waste diversion targets aim to encourage more sustainable waste management practices across the town.