
Yorktown personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,170

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Electrician $40
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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Yorktown, VA is a historic town in York County known as the site of the decisive 1781 Battle of Yorktown during the American Revolutionary War. It marks the end of British colonial rule in America and is part of the Colonial National Historical Park. The town features the Yorktown Victory Monument, museums, and battlefields, drawing visitors interested in early American history. Its waterfront area along the York River offers scenic views and recreational activities.

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energy icon


Yorktown, VA has made substantial strides in energy efficiency through various initiatives. The community has embraced solar energy, with several households and businesses installing solar panels, benefiting from federal tax incentives and local rebates. The Dominion Energy's Solar Purchase Program has seen some participation from Yorktown residents, further encouraging the generation of clean energy. Energy efficiency in homes is promoted through the Virginia Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, helping homeowners upgrade to more efficient appliances and HVAC systems. The town's historical buildings have also seen retrofits with energy-efficient LED lighting and improved insulation to balance preservation with modern energy standards. Smart grid technology is being adopted by local utilities to optimize energy distribution and reduce losses. Residents have shown an interest in energy-efficient vehicles, supported by state rebates for electric and hybrid cars. The promotion of Energy Star certified homes and appliances has been effective in reducing the overall energy footprint of the community.

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Yorktown's water efficiency measures are centered around sustainable water use and conservation. The town's utilities have adopted smart metering, providing real-time data to both consumers and the water management team, which helps in early leak detection and water use optimization. Residents are encouraged to use water-efficient appliances through rebate programs offered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Educational campaigns on water conservation are regularly conducted, teaching the community about the importance of preserving water resources for future generations. In an effort to protect the Chesapeake Bay, Yorktown has employed innovative stormwater management practices, including rain gardens and permeable pavements to reduce runoff pollution. The town's sewage treatment facility has been upgraded to improve water quality before discharge, ensuring the preservation of local aquatic ecosystems. Residential and public landscaping have seen a shift towards native plants that require less watering, further contributing to water conservation efforts.

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Yorktown has taken active steps to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce vehicular emissions. The area is served by the Yorktown Trolley Service, offering residents and tourists an eco-friendly travel option with the benefits of reduced traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Local infrastructure improvements have focused on promoting bicycling and walking, with the addition of bike lanes and pedestrian paths linking key areas of the town. The EV charging station network in Yorktown has expanded, providing more options for electric vehicle owners and encouraging the shift towards cleaner transportation. Through the Commuter Choice Program, employers have been incentivized to support alternative commuting methods for their employees, such as teleworking, ride-sharing, and public transit. Initiatives like 'Bike to Work Day' have been well received, promoting the health and environmental benefits of cycling. The York County Public Works Department continues to explore sustainable transportation projects aimed at making Yorktown a more walkable and bike-friendly community.

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Waste management in Yorktown has focused on reducing landfill use through recycling and composting programs. The York County curbside recycling program accepts a wide range of materials, which has helped to increase the recycling rate in the area. The community has been informed about the importance of proper waste sorting to ensure the maximum amount of materials can be recovered. Local businesses have been encouraged to participate in waste reduction efforts through the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program, which recognizes and supports businesses that go beyond regulatory requirements in environmental stewardship. The town has hosted regular hazardous waste collection events, diverting harmful substances from landfills and waterways. Initiatives such as the 'Clean County Commission' focus on community cleanup events and education on litter prevention. Additionally, the town has implemented a robust yard waste collection program, turning organic waste into valuable compost for local gardens and landscaping.